
Only the Self remains...

Ramana Maharshi, Be As You Are, by David Godman

If you thus reject everything, what remains is the Self alone. That is real love. One who knows the secret of that love
finds the world itself full of universal love.

Q: I long for bhakti. I want more of this longing. Even realization does not matter for me. Let me be strong in my
A: If the longing is there, realization will be forced on you even if you do not want it. Long for it intensely so that the
mind melts in devotion. After camphor burns away no residue is left. The mind is the camphor. When it has resolved
itself into the Self without leaving even the slightest trace behind, it is realization of the Self.

Worshipping the formless reality by unthought thought is the best kind of worship. But when one is not fit for such
formless worship of God, worship of form alone is suitable. Formless worship is possible only for people who are
devoid of the ego-form. Know that all the worship done by people who possess the ego-form is only worship of form.

The pure state of being attached to grace [Self], which is devoid of any attachment, alone is one’s own state of silence,
which is devoid of any other thing. Know that one’s ever abiding as that silence, having experienced it as it is, alone is
true mental worship [manasika-puja]. Know that the performance of the unceasing, true and natural worship in which
the mind is submissively established as the one Self, having installed the Lord on the Heart-throne, is silence, the best
of all forms of worship. Silence, which is devoid of the assertive ego, alone is liberation. The evil forgetfulness of Self
which causes one to slip down from that silence, alone is non-devotion [vibhakti]. Know that abiding as that silence
with the mind subsided as non-different from Self, is the truth of Siva bhakti [devotion to God].

Be As You Are
edited by David Godwin
published by Penguin Arkana
p 88-9

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