
Jesus and Mysticism...

Jesus taught all his Apostles how to become Mystics, but he only spoke in parables to the average human.

The deeper meaning of the parables can be understood only by Mystics, therefore He was able to teach to both the Enlightened and the Unenlightened.

The modern Christian religion does not teach the path of Mystical Study to the average person in their Church because most of the leaders in the Church are not Mystics.

Many that seek power over others are still ruled by their own egos',,so they do not have the knowledge to teach Mysticism to others, as they have not learned this knowledge themselves and do not care to give up the ego that gives them false pleasure.

Therefore, the spiritual seekers in that church are left in ignorance and constant pain during their lives in the material plane,

they are not even taught that they can end their pain through the elimination of the Ego..

They are taught that the best that they can achieve is Heaven, but never told that the real goal is to become "One with God", which is far higher than the Heaven that they have been taught of.

namaste, thomas

1 comment:

thomas ... said...

Read the Mystical Gospel that was left out of the Bible..

It is called " The Gospel of Thomas"

namaste, thomas