
Love's illusions...

Joni Mitchell sings of Love's illusions and Consciousness tells me to speak..

Divine Consciousness consists of Light, Love, and Consciousness and yet, It remains the Dreamer of Life..

We are the Dreamer..

We believe that we are the body and mind,

but Reality reminds us that We are the Creator of Dreams..

Love is the bonding of Consciousness..

Division is an Unreality of this Truth..

The illusion of separation is both a Dream and a Game..

We are the Players and Actors within this Hologram..

When the 'Play' has ended, where are We?..

We call this ending, Death..

But, what has died?..

Only the game and play has ended..

We remain the Observer of the Play,

We remain Divine Consciousness..

But, before you become content,

look higher, Pure Awareness awaits Your arrival...

namaste, thomas

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