
For those brave Souls...

" There is only One"..

Surrender the self and all desire for existence while in meditation..

Do not fear, when the ego speaks to you of the pain of death..

The ego will appear as a voice of fear..

As Jesus said; "Get behind Me"..

Go beyond fear and enter Reality..

It will be difficult, but many have gone before you..

It will feel like death,

But, You will not die,

You will Live as Divine Consciousness..

From this State, You will learn more about Freedom..

Pure Awareness will contact You within this State of existence,

With the magnetic field of Love..

And then 'You' will disappear and Love will exist forever..

As Jesus said; " You must die to be Born"..

Even as Divine Consciousness,

In Reality,

There is only Love...

namaste, thomas

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