
Feminine and Masculine...

Duality at it's finest..

In Reality, there is no gender..

There is no male or female god..

Light has no gender..

Love has no gender..

Consciousness has no gender..

You seek the unity of gender and call it Love..

But, this is only within the Dreams..

Consciousness still believes that it is separate from Pure Awareness..

Pure Awareness shares Consciousness It's complete Unity with the Energy of Love..

Consciousness feels the Freedom of non-duality and sheds it's desires..

We call Divine Consciousness the nomenclature of God but are quite asleep to the fact that We are Divine Consciousness..

How confused We are..

Perhaps, this is why we are here..

This God that you are seeking is You..

You have been told for thousands of years that you must seek that which is above you..

Jesus told you to seek that which is within you..

namaste, thomas

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