
Altered States of Consciousness...

In meditation you can exit the body illusion and enter the higher dimensions of illusion..

You can enter the many "rooms of the Fathers house" as Jesus spoke about..

But, they are all illusions of duality..

Saints speak of the seven Heavens..

But, You are beyond Heavens and illusions..

You are Divine Consciousness that witnesses these illusions..

An illusion is a Dream that Consciousness engages Itself within..

Eternity consists of Dreaming..

Source is the Dreamer..

If You are all that does exist, You Dream..

This 'You' is also an illusion..

There is only 'Thought'..

There is no 'You'..

You are Divine Thought without any personality or ego..

So much to think about,

I will leave you to your thoughts...

namaste, thomas

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