
Pure Awareness...

This is the birthless, deathless, timeless, spaceless, boundless Awareness-Isness-Aliveness. Our Real Identity. —Bankei Yotaku

All life comes out of awareness. And just like ocean waves are never separate from the ocean, we are never separate from awareness. Awareness is our fundamental essence of being.

Pure awareness has no form, nor shape nor colour, and yet contains within it, all form, shape and colour. It is like the empty space of a vessel that carries the water. Awareness is the Presence of the Now, remaining unchanged by all worldly appearances.

When a lump of salt is thrown into water, it dissolves and cannot be removed even though we can taste the salty water. So the separate self dissolves in the sea of pure awareness, infinite and immortal.
—Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

When we turn our focus on the inner world, rather than the world of mind and matter, we discover the shores of pure awareness. Here, our human wave dissolves back into the sea of pure awareness and we recognise True Self.

Paradoxically, True Self is experienced when in the absence of the idea of self. This means our getting out of the way of ourselves. Beyond mind, beyond thought, beyond feeling…there is a beautiful timeless place where all is known simply being.


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