
me meditation...

There are exquisite moments when the usual meditation stops - moments of being absorbed in a lover's embrace, in the sound of beautiful music, or in the colors of a sunrise.

There are moments where there is no "you" being practiced, there is simply beingness. And in this simple beingness there are peace, insight, clarity, and naturalness, an effortless grace and ease of being.

But we believe very strongly in our me meditation, and so these are usually just brief moments before the normal practice is picked up again: "I am this body; this is who I am. You are that body; that is who you are. This is my culture; that is your culture. These are my beliefs; those are your beliefs. You are my enemy; you are my friend. You want something from me; I want something from you", etc.

The truth of who you are, however, is simpler than anything that can be practiced. Personal suffering, on the other hand, is very complex, and for it to continue it must be practiced. If you are suffering, just as an investigation, see if you are 'practicing' your suffering.

~ From: The Diamond In Your Pocket, by Gangaji

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