
We speak of Light...

But what are we speaking of ?..

Light is actually Your Being and Existence..

And yet, we still do not know what it means..

We think of ourselves as humans or souls and yet we still do not know of what we speak..

So much confusion of Reality..

We keep seeking happiness through the higher dimensions of illusion trying to find our way home..

We Mystics, keep pointing our fingers towards the Light but you still do not know what Light is..

Light is the Energy of Consciousness, which consists also of the binding energy called Love..

And yet, you are still confused..

We are bodies, how can we be Light ?..

Light creates the manifestations of dreams that we call life..

Light is the Creator of Dreams..

We are Light..

The rest of this Realization can only be found when you have become Nothing...

This mystery is left to you...

namaste, thomas

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