
" To Be or not To Be, that is the question"...

The personal identity is the ego but also extends to the personality of Divine Consciousness which most call Creator God..

The Final Reality is that of non-personality called Pure Awareness, which contains no personality or egoic consciousness..

That's right,, We do not exist !..

Hard to believe, isn't it ?..

A dream realizing that it is a dream..

The Dreamer is all that does exist..

We are only the Dreamer when We exist as Divine Consciousness but no longer exist when We surrender this Dream that we have always called Creator God..

The Original Thinker that Dreamed of Us and the personality of Divine Consciousness does not have a duality called Creator God..

Thus, We are the mirror to reflect back what would be, if Pure Awareness had an ego..

You have always been told that You will exist forever..

This is both True and False..

You are the Energy of Thought..

Thought will exist forever..

But, separate personality or ego has always been only a Dream...

This 'Thought' , that I am speaking of contains a magnetic force of Unity called Love..

This is why most humans seek the Bliss of Love, even though they know that the ego must dissolve in this quest...

namaste, thomas

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