
Waking up to That...

Magdi Em Be
Question: Contemplate the Self means what?

Rather than focusing on the objects and the objective, turn your attention to the Source, turn your attention to the space in which the scene is arising, turn your attention to the 'experiencing' rather than the contents of the experience.

Notice the borderless quality of awareness.

Notice that borderless awareness is what you truly are.

Notice that borderless awareness is first (so to speak) and changeless ... second (again, so to speak) is the changing scene that arises and disappears. Borderless Aware Presence does not give a hoot about what arises on the screen. It is freedom.

Habitually, in ignorance, our focus is on the scene and mainly on the I-thought... That is how the separate self is maintained.

The separate self is made out of identification with a form and operates in the realm of resistance and pursuit. There is no peace and happiness in such identification.

Fortunately, you are not the separate self, you are not any dream character.

Can you choose to wake up to that?

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