
My Mystics in Russia...

Despite the many years of the laws against spirituality and religion, Russia remains the second most souls that visit my blog..

The U.S. remains the most that visit because of the english language but Russia is second..

India is next because, I speak to their souls of Buddhism and Hinduism..

The Arab countries enter this blog seaching for Love instead of vengeance and find the Master of Sufism within the words of Hazrat Inayat Khan..

The Jews find the Truth within the words of Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef..

The Christians find their Truth within all the words of Unconditional Love..

You that have no religion or philosophy enter to find a door within mind..

I welcome you all..

You will find that all of these paths lead to the same Truth..

We pretend to be separate and an egoic consciousness but are in Reality, the Source..

Keep walking with us, We are all Free when We Realize that Nothingness is Extreme Love...

namaste, thomas

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