
Was Jesus, God ?...

Of course He was!..

There is nothing that is not God..

We are God!..

Is it not yet entered your mind that God is an Energy of Light, Love, and Consciousness?..

There is no old man on a throne demanding that you sing praises for eternity..

This would be the highest of ego and not of Reality, which is Humility and Love..

What will really surprise you is when you discover that there is a Reality above this Divine Consciousness that we call God..

What could this be ?..

Remember, Love is the existence of energy without egoic consciousness..

There exists no division between Love..

Love is the energy of Nothingness..

Difficult to understand, is it not?..

Once again remember, that Source has no personality or ego..

Pure Awareness...

A mystery that cannot be solved,

only entered...

namaste, thomas

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