
The Battle...

In my first Awakening into Reality, I fought the battle of my life..

Literally, It was the battle between Reality and Illusion..

It was the ego that wanted to be free and yet the ego desired to stay within existence..

It was a suicide of the egoic consciousness that set Me Free..

In meditation, I surrendered all existence..

I died as egoic consciousness and not without the pain and fear of death..

I fell into the black abyss of Nothingness and Awakened as the Creator of the Dream..

This is why I write about Reality today..

This Light, Love, and Consciousness that I Realized that I am, set Me Free..

I was given the choice to return to the body or stay as Divine Consciousness..

Obviously, I came back into the Dream..

I believe that it was to inform others of Reality and to answer the question that Divine Consciousness would not answer to Me..

I asked " Is this the Final Reality "?..

For the first time, no answer was given..

I believe that I was sent back to learn what lies beyond Divine Consciousness and thus answer my own question..

I have found that what lies beyond the Creator of Dreams called Divine Consciousness is called Pure Awareness and contains no one called Me..

namaste, thomas

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