
Universal Presence...

The mind cannot know the Self as the mind is not conscious.
Only consciousness is conscious, only the Self is knowing.
Realize that you are mistaking yourself to be a mind, mistaking yourself to be a body mind.
The body mind is not knowing. All the imagined knowledge of the body mind is null and void. It is impossible for an observed object to be knowing.
It is consciousness that is knowing and consciousness is not an object, consciousness is not a person. Only consciousness is knowing.
The Self does not need to discover itSelf.
Simply realize your true nature and all will be done.
All your angst will dissolve.
Your angst have always been empty. But you need to realize that and not simply accept the notion of emptiness.
Look directly at your experience and notice the seamless presence that everything is. You are that empty eternal universal presence!

Magdi Em Be

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