
Jesus Speaks...

The least you should know about the ego, Part 4.
A discourse by Jesus

NOTE: This teaching was given on May 7, 2006.

The ego has a very specific mission, namely to prevent the Conscious You from rediscovering and then abandoning the original choice to turn away from God—the decision that gave birth to the ego. This decision was made by the Conscious You, but it was not made in the full clarity of the Christ consciousness. It was made because the Conscious You had started experimenting with the duality consciousness, the consciousness of anti-christ. Thus, the Conscious You did not clearly see what the decision entailed, and it did not fully understand that its reasoning was based on dualistic thinking. The ego will do anything in its power to prevent you from overcoming this blindness; it will do anything to prevent the Conscious You from projecting itself outside the ego’s illusions.

You need to understand that the Conscious You made its fateful decision because it did not see the absolute reality of Christ and had become blinded by the veil created by the duality consciousness. Thus, the Conscious You believed its reasoning was sound, and it felt that the decision to turn away from the teacher was either justifiable, necessary, beneficial or its only option. Because the Conscious You had already been partially blinded – meaning divided – by the dualistic logic – as Eve was divided in her mind by the serpent’s statement that she would not surely die – it did not see that its reasoning was relative. It did not understand that the serpentine logic seems reasonable only when viewed through the filter of duality, a state of mind in which everything is relative, meaning that anything can be justified.

My point here is that the Conscious You is made in the image and likeness of God, meaning your I AM Presence. Therefore, you are not a bad or evil person and you are not stupid. If the Conscious You knew better, it would do better. The problem is that as long as the Conscious You looks at the world through the filter of dualistic logic, it cannot fully know better. It cannot see beyond the relative logic of anti-christ to see the absolute reality of Christ.

Why the universe seems to confirm the ego’s illusions
The essence of the duality consciousness is that the Conscious You – guided by the false teachers of this world and the ego – creates its own “reality,” a world view that is centered around the illusion that created the ego. Everything in this world view is born from the central illusion that created the ego, and thus everything seems to support that illusion. In other words, as long as you look at the world through this filter, everything you see will confirm that the ego’s illusion is right. If you wear yellow glasses, the world will appear to have a yellow tint, and it will do so until you take off the glasses and see the world without a filter.

Yet there is an even deeper reality in the sense that the world not only appears to be colored. The reality you experience in the material universe is shaped by the ego’s beliefs. This is an essential point that all sincere spiritual seekers need to understand. As I explain throughout this website, the material universe acts like a mirror that reflects back to you whatever you send out. That is why I told people to do unto others what you want them to do to you. The reality being that the universe will do to you what you do to others. This is a safety mechanism that aims as serving as a substitute teacher for those co-creators who have turned away from the spiritual teachers assigned to humankind. When you have no contact with the teacher, your only way to learn is to see the consequences of your actions, and thus the universe mirrors back to you what you send out.

You must now understand that the law of free will mandates that if you turn away from God and your spiritual teacher, you must be allowed to learn from your own actions. Thus, a spiritual teacher cannot interfere with your learning process until you decide to seek the teacher’s help. The teacher is not trapped in your personal illusions, your ego’s house of mirrors, so he clearly sees through the veil that blinds you. Yet he cannot explain this to you until you rise to the level of the path where you are open to this explanation. And thus, the teacher must wait until the Conscious You begins to question the illusions created by the ego.

The teacher is fully aware of the essential problem, yet only a student with a certain amount of maturity can even begin to grasp this problem. What is the essence of the problem? Your ego has used the duality consciousness to create a mental image of what it thinks the world is like—or rather what it wants the world to be like so that it can uphold the basic illusion that created your specific ego. The Conscious You has partially identified itself with this world view and is therefore seeing the world through the colored glasses represented by the ego’s illusion. At the same time, the Conscious You – as the director of your attention, which is your creative force – is projecting this world view into the cosmic mirror. And guess what the mirror is reflecting back?

Do you now begin to see the problem? The Conscious You is using its creative faculties to project a dualistic image into the material universe, and the cosmic mirror is reflecting it back, meaning that what comes back to you seems to affirm the ego’s world view. If your ego has created the image that God is an angry and unjust being in the sky who has abandoned you, then the material universe will reflect back to you conditions that seem to affirm this image. You simply will not be able to experience God directly as long as you identify with the illusion of separation, and thus the material universe will hide the reality that God’s being is in everything. Everything you experience in this world will seem to confirm the belief that God is not here and thus you have been abandoned by God. Likewise, if you believe life is a struggle, the cosmic mirror will reflect back to you physical conditions that make your life a struggle.

In other words, you are a co-creator with God, and you can never stop co-creating. As I have said before, you will inevitably create your own circumstances, and the choice is whether you create through the dualistic sense of identity defined by the ego or through your divine identity that is anchored in your I AM Presence. The Conscious You has the ability to identify itself as anything it conceives and accepts as real. Thus, if the Conscious You identifies with the mortal identity defined by the ego, you will believe you are a mortal, human being living in a limited world that makes your life a struggle. And because you have identified with this world view, your soul will gravitate toward a planet where these conditions are physically manifest—because they have been created by the collective consciousness of the lifestreams living on that planet.

Starting to question the ego’s identity
As long as you identify fully with the world view created by the ego, everything you see MUST be forced into the framework of that world view. In other words, until the Conscious You begins to suspect that it is more than the ego, you will be unable to question the world view of the ego. You cannot bear to lose your sense of identity, so if you think the ego’s mortal identity is all there is, you will be unwilling to question it, and thus you are unreachable to a spiritual teacher. Instead, you will try to interpret everything that happens to you in a way that reaffirms the ego’s world view. And because the mind of anti-christ uses relative logic, you can twist almost anything in such a way that it proves what you want to believe. This is what is commonly called circular logic.

But then how can you ever escape the illusions created by the ego? Because God has built a safety mechanism into the material universe, as Mother Mary explains in her book. That mechanism is the Mother Light’s tendency to return to its ground state, to equilibrium. In other words, if you use your co-creative abilities to create something that is out of alignment with the laws and the creative intent of God, your creation will not be sustainable. It will exist only in time and space, meaning that the Mother Light will inevitably break it down.

The consequence is that your life becomes a constant struggle to uphold the ego’s illusions. The more you seek to hold on to the illusions, the more you create a counter-force that seeks to break them down. Thus, your life truly does become a struggle because you are fighting against the basic force of the material universe. The Mother Light is designed to break down every structure that is not in alignment with God’s law. In order to uphold your ego’s illusions, you must seek to force the entire universe to conform to the ego’s world view.

A group of co-creators can force a localized part of the universe to conform to their world view for a time. That is why humankind has managed to force the Mother Light that makes up planet Earth to conform to its collective world view. Yet no matter how strongly the co-creators believe in their illusions, they cannot force the Mother Light to maintain them forever. They will inevitably create a counter-force that will break down the world they have created. You clearly see this in human society today in the form of diseases, lack, poverty, short life-span, lack of food, pollution and natural disasters and imbalances.

The consequence is simple. One way or the other, you must learn that the ego’s world view is false. If you will not listen to a spiritual teacher, you must learn by hitting your head against the concrete wall of the universe—until you finally break down and start to wonder whether there might be a better way. It is always sad for a spiritual teacher to watch people who refuse to question the illusions of their egos and thus create increasingly severe crises in their lives until they finally break under the strain and cry out for help. Yet we are bound by the law of free will to let people run their course until they ask for our help. Thus, we can only watch as people box themselves in until they can no longer move.

My point is that once the Conscious You has identified itself with the ego’s dualistic world view, it is very difficult to break the spell of that illusion. The universe itself will actually seem to confirm the ego’s world view by complying with it for a time. This is why you see so many people who are absolutely convinced that their world view is correct. Yet you also see that the basic world view shared by most people progresses over time. Centuries ago, many people believe the Earth and the universe were very small. They believed the Earth was flat and that the sky was a dome covering the planet.

This world view has changed because in every generation a few people dared to question the world view of their society and their egos. Thus, in this age, there is a crop of people who are ready for the harvest of once again reconnecting to their spiritual teachers and being lifted – fully and finally – out of the dualistic illusions of their personal egos and the collective ego of this planet. Yet you must understand that there are forces that will do anything they can to prevent your personal awakening, and they have a very powerful weapon to use against you, namely the subtlety of the duality consciousness. So let us take a closer look at exactly how subtle things can be in the world where everything is relative.

When everything is relative, who is right?
The ego is born out of your separation from God, and thus it can only see itself as being separated from God. For the ego, God and God’s reality remains a mental concept that can be conceptualized but never experienced directly. The Conscious You can experience God directly, but only through the Christ consciousness. Thus, as long as you look through the filter of the ego, you cannot experience God directly, meaning that you must settle for a description over the direct experience. My point being that if you cannot know reality through direct experience, you MUST “know” reality through a description and that description will INEVITABLY be affected by the consciousness of separation. If you were not affected by the consciousness of separation, you would not need the description.

As I have explained in the previous discourses, the reality of Christ is that everything was created out of God’s being. Thus, nothing can be separated from God in reality. Something can be separated from God only through a mental illusion created in the mind of a self-conscious co-creator. The consciousness of the ego is born out of separation, meaning that it has a fundamental, built-in duality. You are here; God is somewhere else. There is a division between you and God.

The result is that instead of experiencing God directly, the ego can only conceptualize God, but this conceptualization also has a built-in duality. You see, to the ego there is no such thing as an absolute truth, a truth that cannot be debated or has no opposite. The ego sees only duality, and thus when the ego conceptualizes God, it can do so only by putting God on a relative scale, meaning that God must have an opposite.

As I have said before, the Conscious You can never quite lose its memory of its divine origin. Thus, the Conscious You knows that God exists and that God is entirely good. The ego would prefer to have the Conscious You forget everything about God, which indeed has happened to some people on a temporary basis. Yet a spiritual seeker cannot forget God’s existence, and thus the ego must incorporate the existence of God into its world view—or the Conscious You will no longer accept the ego’s view.

Yet when the ego conceptualizes God, it does so in a relative way. The Conscious You knows God is good, but as long as it is affected by the ego’s logic, it cannot fully experience the goodness of God, meaning that it cannot see that it has no opposite. Thus, the Conscious You is likely to be ensnared by the ego’s logic, namely that the goodness of God is on a relative scale where it has an opposite. The opposite of good is evil, and life on this planet provides plenty of evidence that seems to prove that evil is real. Thus, it is tempting to believe that God’s supposed opposite – call it the devil or whatever you like – is as real as God and possibly necessary to complete the balance of creation.

Do you see my point? The ego – through the consciousness of anti-christ – creates a mental image that portrays God as not being a self-sufficient, independent reality that has no opposite. Instead, it portrays God as an incomplete being and God’s goodness is defined only in relation to its opposite. Goodness is no longer absolute; it is defined as the opposite of evil.

Why you can never win a dualistic argument
Take note of the subtlety overlooked by many religious people. They assume that even if good is defined as the opposite of evil, what they define as good is still in alignment with God’s absolute goodness. However, this is the great illusion of the ages that has led to virtually all of the religious conflicts and wars seen on this planet. When you see through the consciousness of separation, you can NEVER see God’s absolute reality and goodness. You see ONLY a relative goodness, and it now becomes possible – even inevitable – that you define goodness in a way that is relative to – and thus seems to affirm – the basic illusion that created your ego!

Throughout the ages, individuals and societies have had different definitions of what is good. Even though God gave Moses the command not to kill, those who claimed to represent God to the Israelites often defined it as good to kill their enemies. This is an obvious example of the fact that the ego cannot see the absolute goodness of God but inevitably turns it into a relative concept that can be defined according to what seems to give the ego a temporary advantage.

Once the Conscious You puts on the colored glasses of the ego’s dualistic logic, it sees the world through a filter that defines two opposites. The ego can see nothing beyond these relative opposites and thus it will claim – to its dying day – that there is nothing beyond relativity. In this relative world view, there are not absolutes, thus there is no way to determine what is in alignment with God’s goodness and what is out of alignment with absolute reality. This can be determined only through the clarity of the Christ mind. That is why I said:

The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness. (Luke 11:34)

The point being that when your eye is single – meaning that the Conscious You sees the one, undivided truth of Christ – your lower being is an open door for the light of God to shine into this world. Yet when your vision is divided – meaning that the Conscious You sees through the dualistic filter – your being if filled with the darkness of the duality consciousness. The light from your I AM Presence simply cannot shine through your mind in its pure form but is colored by your ego’s beliefs and thus turned into darkness.

The essence of the relative logic is that when everything is relative, nothing can be proved or disproved in an absolute sense. It is not a matter of WHAT is right and wrong; it is only a matter of WHO is “right and wrong,” meaning who is able to convince others. This gives a clear advantage to the beings who are most skilled in using the relative logic of the mind of anti-christ and who are the most willing to manipulate, lie and coerce in order to control others.

The story of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden is meant to illustrate that once you start partaking of the duality consciousness – the tree of the knowledge of RELATIVE good and evil – you are easily manipulated by those who have spent lifetimes in this frame of mind and have no scruples about lying in order to control you. There is only one way out. You cannot use the mind of anti-christ to escape the consciousness of separation. Thus, you must realize that the ego has created a giant illusion in which everything appears to be relative. As long as you stay within the framework of this illusions, you can NEVER escape the grips of the ego.

I have seen many sincere spiritual seekers who have fallen prey to the illusion that they can use the intellect to outsmart their egos and the prince of this world. Some even think it is their job to convince their own ego, the egos of other people or the forces of this world that they are wrong. Yet this will inevitably cause you to engage in the dualistic struggle created by the ego, and thus you will only become more involved with that struggle. If you try to use the mind of anti-christ to outsmart the forces of anti-christ, how can you avoid becoming more involved with the mind of anti-christ?

This is the illusion that caused many co-creators to fall in the first place. As explained by the Elohim of Peace, many co-creators fell for the illusion that they should turn off the light of their God flames until certain conditions were met in this world. We might also say that some co-creators began to believe that instead of letting the light of their God flames consume the darkness in this world, they needed to engage in a debate with the darkness and seek to persuade those trapped in it to come back to God. Yet when you try to catch the greased pig, you inevitably end up covered in mud.

When it comes to dealing with the duality consciousness of the ego, there is only one approach that will work. You cannot out-reason the consciousness of anti-christ, for when everything is relative, there can be no final argument. The devil loves to have you engage him in an attempt to outsmart him, and he will even allow you to feel that you have won the argument. Yet the devil is not trying to prove himself right; he is only trying to keep you engaged in the consciousness of anti-christ. Likewise, your ego is not concerned about you winning one battle, as long as it wins the war by keeping you trapped in the dualistic struggle so that you do not see the forest behind the trees.

This is an essential point that too many spiritual seekers have not understood, and thus you need to ponder it very carefully. You simply CANNOT WIN by engaging in the dualistic arguments of the ego. You cannot convince or convert your ego because it can NEVER experience the Spirit of Truth but will ALWAYS see only a dualistic description. Thus, you can NEVER make the ego see absolute truth, and instead you get pulled into a senseless argument of trying to prove the superiority of one dualistic description over another dualistic description. To avoid this eternal trap, ponder my words:

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. (Matthew 10:16)

You must learn from the example of how I dealt with the devil after my fasting in the wilderness (Luke, Chapter 3) or how the Buddha dealt with the temptations of Mara as he was ready to enter Nirvana. We both remained non-attached. I rebuked the devil and the Buddha stated his right to be the Buddha on Earth. Yet we did not engage the forces of duality at the level of duality.

You can NEVER win by engaging in a dualistic argument, nor can you further God’s cause by fighting dualistic battles. You can win only by rising above the consciousness of duality, simply leaving behind the dualistic arguments and struggles of your ego. And to do that, you must reach for the undivided truth of Christ that empowers you to see the fallacy of the ego’s dualistic form of thinking.

In the coming discourses, I will give you some examples of how the ego seeks to keep you trapped in the dualistic struggle by setting up various belief systems that are based on duality. The purpose is to keep you fighting the dualistic battle that allows both your ego and the forces of anti-christ to steal your life force in order to survive.

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