
Jesus Speaks...

The essential message of this website is that the vast majority of human beings are trapped in the duality consciousness, the consciousness of anti-christ. This consciousness is based on a sense of separation from God, which creates a basic duality that makes people believe God is not where they are. As I explain elsewhere, the duality is defined by two relative opposites, such as good and evil. The problem here is that the duality consciousness comes up with its own definitions of good and evil, and both definitions are out of alignment with the reality of God, which you can know only through the Christ consciousness. The Christ consciousness is the ”only begotten son of the father” because it is the consciousness of being one with God and God’s truth.

The effect of the duality consciousness is the creation of the human ego, which, by its very nature, judges everything according to a dualistic standard, a standard that is based on the “things of this world” rather than the truth of Christ. That is why religious people can believe it is justified in the eyes of God to kill those who oppose their (only true) religion. Quite frankly, if you have not seen or if you deny this tendency for people to define “truth” to suit their ego-needs, you have not seriously started walking the spiritual path.

As Mother Mary explains, everything is created by the expanding force of the Father and the contracting force of the Mother. My point is that the fundamentalist Christians have taken the tendency to judge into one extreme, namely a perversion of the Father. They say that anything which is not in compliance with a literal interpretation of the Bible is of the devil and they see it as their duty to eradicate it. This is what caused the crusades, the inquisition and other atrocities perpetrated by those who claim to be my followers but have not been willing to embody my teachings.

Many New Age people have taken the tendency to judge into the opposite extreme by perverting the Mother. They have created a false image of love as being gentle and never challenging anything, including, of course, their own egos. They believe that as long as they never challenge any imperfections, and in fact ignore anything not positive or pleasant, they will be saved and they will raise the planet. Likewise, the Christians believe that as long as they ignore or run away from the devil, they will be saved and bring the kingdom of God to Earth.

I trust the more perceptive seekers can see that this is essentially the same reaction taken into the two relative extremes defined by the duality consciousness. Whether you say everything not in the Bible is of the devil or say there is no devil, you are refusing to reach for the mind of Christ that will empower you to discern between Christ truth and dualistic lies. My point is that many New Age people think that because they are always being gentle, they are not being as judgmental as fundamentalist Christians. Yet the New Age people are just as judgmental, they have simply adopted a different standard, namely human love, as the standard by which they judge everyone and everything.

So when they come across this website, and run into my fiery divine love that will not let anyone stay trapped in their illusions, they immediately judge me, my words and my vibration. If I do not live up to their standard of being “loving,” I cannot be the real Jesus and they “don’t sense the love” or think this cannot be a divinely inspired message. Well, you don’t sense the divine love because you have allowed the flame of divine love in your heart to be replaced by a golden calf of human love. There is nothing in you that resonates with my divine love, and thus I cannot reach you as I could not reach the scribes and Pharisees. They too thought they knew everything but they had only intellectual knowledge and “had no truth in them.”

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