

Mysticism from the Greek mustikos "an initiate" (of the Eleusinian Mysteries, musteria) meaning "initiation"[1]) is the pursuit of achieving communion or identity with, or conscious awareness of, ultimate reality, the divine, spiritual truth, or God through direct experience, intuition, or insight; and the belief that such experience is one's destiny, purpose, or an important source of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Traditions may include a belief in the literal existence of dimensional realities beyond empirical perception. A person delving in these areas may be called a Mystic.

In many cases, the purpose of mysticism and mystical disciplines such as meditation is to reach a state of return or re-integration to Godhead. A common theme in mysticism is that the mystic and all of reality are One. The purpose of mystical practices is to achieve that oneness in experience, to transcend limited identity and re-identify with the all that is. This state of oneness has many names depending on the mystical system: The Kingdom of Heaven, the Birth of the Spirit, the Third Awakening, Illumination, Union (Christianity), Irfan, (Muslim), Self-Realization, Reintegration, Nirvana (Buddhism), Moksha (Jainism), Samadhi (Hinduism), and Gnosis, to name a few.

What we are doing is becoming so still, so in tune with the IS, that we become aware of that which is. The IS was there before, but we were focused on the appearance in the mind. When we transcend that human part of us and we rest back in the IS, well then we become aware of that which is. And that which is, that which God IS, is harmony, health, wholeness, joy, perfection, completeness, holiness, peace.
..............................from mysticalprinciples group

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