
Light and Sound...

And Charan Singh, Sawan Singh's grandson, described the Shabda
beautifully when he wrote:

"The Word combines both light and sound. The sound is meant to
determine the direction from "which it comes, and the light to enable
us to travel toward it. All religions embody these two symbols. In
the Hindu temples they use the bell or conch and the lights. In
churches, high above the roof, hangs a bell and candles are lit
inside. The Muslims put lights on their tombs, and their clergy call
from a minaret to awaken people to the remembrance of the Lord.
These symbols were meant to serve as reminders to us that both light
and sound are to be met within, and it is with their help that the
inner path is to be followed and the destination reached."9

From the outer reaches of creation, the Holy Spirit returns home to
God. We, as embodied souls, can experience God-realization and
spiritual freedom here and now with the aid of a living spiritual
teacher who can link us through initiation to this stream of Light
and Sound, enabling us to be lifted and carried back to our true home
in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. By learning how to let go to and
merge with this Life Stream of the Holy Spirit, we can experience the
Kingdom of Heaven while still alive in the physical body. This is
spiritual freedom, liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth.

What is wonderful about this process is that you can tangibly
experience It. As Darshan Singh put it, by using the human body as
our laboratory, we can employ meditation to see the inner spiritual
Light, hear the inner spiritual Sound, and rise above body
consciousness. This form of meditation is sometimes called
the "Science of Spirituality" or "Surat Shabd Yoga." I prefer to
simply call it "Shabda Meditation." Shabda Meditation offers us a
means by which we can confirm for ourselves the reality of this Light
& Sound Current (Shabda or Holy Spirit) and the existence of higher
levels of awareness, explore higher planes of existence and directly
experience God Itself.

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