Presumably you are going to use Mental Science to ensure for you an adequate supply of happiness, service, peace and love. Therefore you must act as agent for these things and pass them on freely to any and everyone with whom you come into contact, otherwise the stream will be dammed and the flow of Infinite supply will cease as far as you are concerned and will find other and freer channels through which to progress. Get it into your head that to have fresh supplies you must make room by passing on what you already have.
The other aspect is summed up in the word "Generalisation." In your asking for supply, concentrate on the end, not on the means to the end. Let me illustrate that statement as clearly as I can. Suppose you want money with which to purchase a home of your own for your wife and children. Do not concentrate your mental powers on the money but upon the happiness, peace, and contentment which such a home will bring.
The reason for this becomes obvious if you reflect for a moment. Peace, Happiness and Contentment are your aims, but there may be quite one hundred ways by which they may come to you. All of them are known to the All-Seeing Wisdom of the Infinite Power, and for you to particularise one special way is automatically to close the other 99—any one of which may be, and probably is, much better and more suitable than your way.
Your way has only been chosen according to your very limited powers of perception.
Concentrate on the end you desire to achieve, and have complete faith that a means to that end will be chosen which will be the best possible for you.
How can I make this next proviso sufficiently clear to you?
Realise throughout your whole being that your physical and material self is helpless without the Power. You, as you are; the you that is finite and earthly is completely inadequate and incapable without the aid of the Power.
The Power is yours, but you are not the Power.
Realise the humility inherent in that sentence. Without the Power you are nothing. With the Power you are all-powerful.
Do not lose your sense of perspective. Keep your place in the scheme of things. You are the agent for the Force, not the Force itself.
I cannot urge you too strongly to read over that last paragraph again and again. Therein is the fatal pitfall clearly placed before you. Be warned, and avoid it.
When you secure this sense of humility, you can maintain it by continually giving thanks mentally for the gifts that come to you.
* * * * *
Regard your thoughts as boomerangs. If you think an evil thought of any person or anything, you will be the loser. It is your mental attitude that is disturbed and there is no one but yourself to blame. All thoughts are boomerangs. They come back to the thinker.
Whatever you think, will happen to you. Therefore think well. Think good. Think Order, Harmony and Peace. Then shall these things be added unto you.
One final matter must be dealt with. This study would not be complete without it. I want to deal with Failure.
So far I have not admitted the possibility of failure and I do not do so now. If you fail, you have not obeyed the rules which I have endeavoured to put before you. And so, here is your mental attitude towards failure. If something that you wanted has not come to pass, the fault is yours.
The Power is there. The Power wants you to have your desire. If you have not received it, do not blame the Power, blame yourself.
If there is failure, and you examine the Mental Attitude you held prior to the event, you will inevitably find one of these things.
1. Your desire was not constructive.
2. You doubted the Power's ability to give you your desire.
3. You have particularised or, in other words, you have wanted things exactly your way instead of the way of Infinite
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