
The Spirit...

Let us examine this Power or Life Principle in action on our own bodies and in the natural world around us.

So long as a flower is animated by the Life Force, or, as we say, as long as it is alive, there is growth and increase. As soon as the Life Force commences a self-withdrawal, then disintegration sets in and the flower decays and dies. Our own bodies are reducible to a chemical formula and, without the Life Force, they also proceed with change and decay. In fact, we find that all "things" are in a process of disintegration unless the Life Force is present. The Life Force therefore can be summed up as a Power which organises matter and arrests the natural process of matter which is Disorganization and Disintegration.

But Life is an Organizing Force sufficiently selective and discriminating in its action to originate and maintain a recognizable Cosmic Plan. In other words it is a Spirit-Intelligence of limitless capacity.The Universe and its inhabitants can be treated as a single entity made from the same special ether by a Process of Change as the result of a definite Cosmic Law of Evolution.

The physical world as we know it is not the Ultimate Reality, but is a materialisation of what first exists on the psychic plane, i.e. in the immaterial realm of thought.

Nothing can exist on the physical plane that is not first conceived on the psychic plane.

Evolution and change is controlled by Spirit which is all-Pervading.

Spirit acts through individualised man and through all life forms by the Principle or Law of Attraction

The object of our study must therefore be to realise that we ourselves and all things around us are merely the expressions or manifestations on the material plane of the All Originating Spirit. Or to put it more simply, we are all formed from the same original Universal Substance by the action of the Same Intelligence upon that Substance.

We can at once decide that the characteristic of Spirit-Intelligence is Thought, so let us see, by means of a simple illustration, where we are now heading.

I am typing these words at a desk on which there is a bowl of flowers. In examining these flowers I find that my knowledge of them is limited, entirely, to my own physical capacity for perception. I know their form only through my eyesight. I know their colour by the same means. I know their scent by my sense of smell, and therefore I am entirely dependent on my physical fitness and completeness for my appreciation of their Beauty. But if I am to find the everlasting all-Beautiful, all-Perfect, and all-Good, it is to the infinite capacity of my Mind and Thought that I am compelled to turn.

Exactly the same principle is found in the work of any creative artist. If we examine the case of a painter of a picture, we find that his finished work may fall far short of its original mental image which he first conceived in his imagination. But if that picture stirs up in the beholder a realisation of that primal mental picture, then it has reproduced in him the spirit that was the essence of causation of the picture.

Take the instance of our own bodies. If there is the perfect Body on the psychic plane whilst the physical Body is diseased, the reason for that disease lies in the mind which is the only conceivable channel between the psychic and the physical planes. On this fact the whole principle of mental healing is built up and the complete success in dealing with widely diversified diseases of many spiritual and mental healers is a fully adequate proof of the correctness of the principle.The Universe and its inhabitants can be treated as a single entity made from the same special ether by a Process of Change as the result of a definite Cosmic Law of Evolution.

The physical world as we know it is not the Ultimate Reality, but is a materialisation of what first exists on the psychic plane, i.e. in the immaterial realm of thought.

Nothing can exist on the physical plane that is not first conceived on the psychic plane.

Evolution and change is controlled by Spirit which is all-Pervading.

Spirit acts through individualised man and through all life forms by the Principle or Law of Attraction.................from

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