
The Koan....

To concentrate on Mind is the same as to concentrate on the classic koans of Zen Buddhism. Ask yourself: Whose mind is it? Where does this mind come from? Where is it right now? Where does it go when you die? When was it born? Who is doing this questioning? For what purpose?!? To penetrate to the heart of any koan, you must become consumed by it. Casual wondering will never work. Think of Ahab in his pursuit of the white whale. If a single doubt had entered his mind, he would never have found "it". Don't accept any answer you come up with. Total transformation is the only 'goal'. You must start by using your intellect, reasoning, and thinking. They will never get you there, it's just how we have to start. Questioning at the deepest level of your being is required. It is said that truly solving one koan solves them all. This is only partially true, as the conditioned beliefs of who and what we are continue relentlessly, requiring persistent work after the deepest awakenings, just of a different sort.

Michael Hall

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