
Religions and Spirituality....

Religions are road maps to the Self (I AM ) or God, which lies within us. Passing throught the wilderness of the ego, which lies hidden from most of us just below the surface of our conscious awareness, we encounter pitfalls and wrong turns..Religions are road maps through the subconscious, Arriving at the center, we merge with God and , like the prodigal son, reclaim our lost immortality..To put it another way, we realize that our true original nature is immortality, and we stop dreaming that we are separate egos that are trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth...Religion and scripture are not the goal...God is the goal, and spirituality is the practice of walking the path to God...Spirituality has to do with experiencing God intimately and directly...Without this direct experience , there is no salvation, no getting to heaven, no being born again, no enlightenment, no nirvana, no liberation and no end to suffering.............................Ethan Walker

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