
The Physical Body does not Exist....

If the physical body is no more than an appearance, if it is only a "fiction," then we must grasp the consequences of this for each human being. There is no physical body, nor has there ever been a physical body, nor will there ever be a physical body. Looking around at our world, this of course seems the most counterintuitive and nonsensical statement that one could possibly make. Nevertheless, seen from the perspective of Being and Reality, it is so. We can see, therefore, that it is a dualistic consciousness or awareness — the human, egoic, or personal awareness — that keeps us under the impression that the physical world exists. Our desires are tied to it, our beliefs, our hopes, our dreams, our whole life is tied to attachment to form. Yet that attachment is wholly illusory in nature, and insofar as we continue to bring about attachments between this so-called physical body and the world around us, we continue to create those karmic conditions that trap us in the round of birth and death, incarnation and reincarnation.

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