
' The Gospel of Mary Magdalene '...

Page 7 (Pages 1-6 are missing) ....................... [The disciples asked:] "Teach us about the material world. Will it last forever or is everything impermanent?" The Saviour answered: “All that is created, everything that is formed, every natural thing, all exist interdependently in and with each other. Then each will be dissolved again back into its own roots. It is [the way of] nature that everything will eventually decompose back into its own elements. Those who have ears, let them hear.” ........................ Peter said to him: “While you are explaining everything to us, tell us one more thing: What is the sin of the world?” The Saviour answered: “There is no such thing as sin, you only make it appear when you act according to the habits of your adulterated nature: that is how what you call 'sin' manifests. This is why the Good has come into your midst, pursuing [the Good] which is in everyone’s true nature, to restore it inward to its root.” Then he continued, saying: “This is what sickens and destroys you: it is your love for the things that deceive you. Those who have ears, let them hear. Whoever can understand, let them understand!"

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