
' Born Again '...

“Shariputra, if there is a good man or a good woman who hears spoken ‘Amitabha’ and holds the name, whether for one day, two days, three, four, five days, six days, as long as seven days, with one heart unconfused, when this person approaches the end of life, before him will appear Amitabha and all the assembly of holy ones.

When the end comes, his heart is without inversion; in Amitabha’s Land of Ultimate Bliss he will attain rebirth.

Shariputra, because I see this benefit, I speak these words:

If living beings hear this spoken they should make the vow, ‘I will be born in that land.’

-Shakyamuni Buddha
The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra
Based on the Chinese text translated by Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva of Yao Qin

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