
' Wisdom is Love '...

"Man is not made by God as wood is cut by the carpenter; for the carpenter and the wood are different, while God and man are the same. Man is made of the substance of God; man is in God, and all that is in God is in man."

"The wonderful thing is that the soul already knows to some extent that there is something behind the veil, the veil of perplexity, that there is something to be sought for in the highest spheres of life, that there is some beauty to be seen, that there is someone to be known who is knowable."

"The soul comes to a stage of realization where the whole of life becomes to him one sublime vision of the immanence of God."

"What is Sufism? It is wisdom. To learn wisdom at every step on the path of life is the only work of the Sufi."

"Wisdom is love, and love is true wisdom. The cold-hearted man is never wise, and the truly warm-hearted person is never foolish, for love comes from wisdom and wisdom from love."

"God knows Himself by His manifestation. Manifestation is the self of God, but a self which is limited, a self which makes Him know that He is perfect when He compares His own Being with this limited self which we call nature. Therefore the purpose of the whole of creation is the realization that God Himself gains by discovering His own perfection through his manifestation."

"The whole of manifestation is the manifestation of love. God Himself is love. So the love comes from the source, returns to the source; and in this the purpose of life is accomplished."

-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Volume XI - Philosophy, Psychology and Mysticism
Part III: Mysticism, Aphorisms

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