
' The Knowledge of God, within '...

"I asked that God would give me or speak some corporeal sign...

that He should put in my hand a candle or precious stone...

or that He should give me any other sign, as He willed, promising that I would not show this sign, except as He indicated.

"He answered,

'What you ask for is a sign that would give you joy only when you touch it, but it would not draw you out of doubt, and in such a sign you might be deceived.

But I will give you a sign better than you ask for; this sign shall be constantly with you, inwardly in your soul, and you shall always feel it.

This shall be the sign:

You shall always be fervent in love and in the love of God and enlightened by the knowledge of God within you.

Let this be a most certain sign for you, because none can make this sign except Me.'"

-Blessed Angelina of Foligno
Quiet Moments with Hildegard and the Women Mystics
Ann Arbor, MI: Charis (imprint of Servant Publications), 1999, #22

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