This is a series of wisdom and mystical knowledge that will be examined... This knowledge will present Thoughts from the Mystics of all religions and philosophies... All of these Mystics will ask you to find the ' Source of All ', and to ' Know Thyself '... Enter into the most important experience of your life...
' Embodied Force '...
"We believe that the spirit pervades all creation and that every creature possesses a soul in some degree, through not necessarily a soul conscious of itself.
The tree, the waterfall, the grizzly bear, each is an embodied Force, and as such an object of reverence."
Ohiyesa (Dr. Charles A Eastman)
in Joseph Bruchac
Native Wisdom
San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1995, p. 86
' The Real '...
If you need time to achieve something, it must
be false.
The real is always with you; you need
not wait to be what you are.
Only you must not
allow your mind to go out of yourself in search.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj
' Utterly Natural '...
He who has attained the consciousness of Overself puts in no claim to the attainment.
He accepts it in so utterly natural and completely humble a manner that most people are deceived into regarding him as ordinary.
-- Notebooks Category 25: World-Mind in Individual Mind >
Chapter 2: Enlightenment Which Stays > # 84
Paul Brunton
' Thoughts on a sunday night'...
The Father and Son reunion..
This division of mind is part of this third dimension..
In Reality, there is no division..
This desire to create, yourself again,
perhaps, in name and blood..
You do not live longer within these desires..
As long as you travel alone,
the traveler must feel the desire of the happiness of Love..
We all search for Truth, and all must disappear..
Do not Fear, as Reality will not allow Fear to exist...
' Peace, love, and freedom '...
Everyone is looking for happiness, peace and love and freedom from all their problems. Who doesn't want this? This is what everybody really wants, happiness, peace, love and freedom from their problems. But they make one mistake and that is they're looking to solve something. As long as you’re looking to solve something or to attain anything you will never do it. For it involves the ego and the mind. It is the ego-mind that needs, that wants, that wants to become, that wants to acquire. If you understand a little bit of your real nature, that you are Spirit, that you are absolute intelligence, infinite wisdom. If you dwell in that, that alone will become your reality. And everything else undesirable will vanish.
I'm not saying that the world will change. You will just acquire a different perception of this world in which you live. Everything will become quite neutral and you will stop fighting, you will stop trying to make things happen. Yet the average person may say, "If I did not make things happen, I will get nowhere. Nothing will happen." On the contrary, it has been known by spiritual Masters throughout the ages, when you become quiet, when you stop thinking too much, when you become quiescent, thoughtless, you will be led and guided to what you have to do and everything will work out for you. Your body came to this earth for a specific reason. It will follow through, no matter what you think.
In other words, if you're supposed to work, you will find work no matter what happens. Even if thousands of people do not find work, you will find work. If you're not supposed to work, no matter how hard you try you will not be able to work, you will not find work. Even though there are millions of jobs available. This is all karmic, you have nothing to do with it. Your job and your mission is simply not to react to anything.
- Robert Adams
' Experience seekers '...
"Many seekers do not take full responsibility for their own liberation, but wait for one big, final spiritual experience which will catapult them fully into it.
It is this search for the final liberating experience which gives rise to a rampant form of spiritual consumerism in which seekers go from one teacher to another, shopping for enlightenment as if shopping for sweets in a candy store.
This spiritual promiscuity is rapidly turning the search for enlightenment into a cult of experience seekers.
And, while many people indeed have powerful experiences, in most cases these do not lead to the profound transformation of the individual, which is the expression of enlightenment."
~ Adyashanti
' Contemplation '...
It is better to have your head in the clouds,
and know where you are...
than to breathe the clearer atmosphere below them,
and think that you are in paradise.
- Henry David Thoreau
' Experiencing '...
"As I said the other day, the gross, subtle, mental and God are all within you in human form. Don't try to find subtle, mental and God in some other world — it is in you in human form. It is just the change in the vision of consciousness which gives the change of experiencing different planes and worlds.
"Now in the gross world there is human consciousness, and here on this earth and in the whole universe, also in the subtle world and mental world, there are innumerable experiences but the experiences that you have in this gross world, these experiences are quite different from the experiences of the subtle world — absolutely different from the subtle world, but it is all in you; you don't go anywhere, you do not rise to higher geographical or geometrical levels.
"It is all here, but as the angle of vision changes through experiencing different things, in the end you begin to experience yourself as God; after having a number of infinite experiences, you eventually ultimately experience yourself as God — that is the end. That one ultimate experience is the Real experience — all other experiences of the gross world, the
subtle, the mental, all these experiences are illusory."
Meher Baba
in Ivy O. Duce
How A Master Works
Walnut Creek, CA: Sufism Reoriented, 1975, p. 312
'' Understanding '...
Understanding makes the trouble of life lighter to bear.
Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:
We often suffer because we do not understand. Many conditions and many people are difficult to tolerate because we do not understand them, but once we understand we can tolerate almost anything.
All tragedy of life, all misery and inharmony are caused by one thing and that is lack of understanding. Lack of understanding comes from lack of penetration. The one who does not see from the point of view from which he ought to see becomes disappointed because he cannot understand. It is not for the outer world to help us to understand life better; it is we ourselves who should help ourselves to understand it better.
What a great thing is understanding! It is priceless. No man can give greater pleasure to his fellow man than by understanding him. The closest friend in life is the one who understands most. It is not your wife, brother or sister, it is the one who understands you most who is your greatest friend in the world. You can be the greatest friend of God if you can understand God. Imagine how man lives in the world -- with closed eyes and closed ears! Every name and every form speaks constantly, constantly makes signs for you to hear, for you to respond to, for you to interpret, that you may become a friend of God. The whole purpose of your life is to make yourself ready to understand what God is, what your fellow man is, what the nature of man is, what life is.
Now coming to a still greater secret of life I want to answer the question: how can we grow to read and understand the message that life speaks through all its names and forms? The answer is that, as by the opening of the eyes you can see things, so by the opening of the heart you can understand things. As long as the heart is closed you cannot understand things. The secret is that when the ears and eyes of the heart are open, all planes of the world are open, all names are open, all secrets, all mysteries are unfolded.
' Where is here ?'...
Where is here?...
The identification with a puppet called ego..
Another actor on a reincarnational stage..
You confuse their minds with false equations..
If they think that there is knowledge,
they will believe..
You already know that All is a Hologram..
Emptiness is not without Awareness..
We came as a holiday and became trapped within desire..
Silence is the Voice of God..
Let us all return to Reality..
' The Unknowing '...
"Though it may be called a nescience, and unknowing,
yet there is in it more than all knowing and understanding without it;
for this unknowing lures and attracts you from all understood things,
and from yourself as well."
Meister Eckhart
German sermon 1
Translated by M.O’C. Walshe
' Seek That '...
There is a force within
Which gives you life –
seek That.
In your body
Lies a priceless gem –
seek That.
O wandering Sufi,
if you want to find
the greatest treasure
Don’t look outside,
Look inside, and seek That.
-- Rumi
Version by Jonathan Star and Shahram Shiva
A Garden Beyond Paradise
Bantam Books, 1992
' Nirvana '...
When the wall between his little ego and the infinite Being collapses, he is said by some Orientals to have entered Nirvana, the Void, and by others to have joined his soul to God.
This disclosure that the whole universe exists in the mind comes with Reality's revelation.
This is the spiritual climax of one's life, this dramatic moment when consciousness comes to recognize and understand itself.
-- Notebooks Category 25: World-Mind in Individual Mind >
Chapter 2: Enlightenment Which Stays > # 247
Paul Brunton
' Seek Within '...
"I was wandering like a lost sheep, searching outside myself for that which was within.
I ran through all the streets and squares of this great city, the world, searching for Thee, God, and I found Thee not;
because I sought Thee wrongly.
Thou wert within me and I sought Thee without."
St. Augustine
Soliloquies, 387
in Ralph L.Woods, Ed.
The Treasury of Religious Quotations
NY: Garland, 1966, p. 595
' Emptiness '...
You cannot become the emptiness.
This is not something
you can do by effort.
The aspiration for this brought you
here, but this 'you' or 'I' or 'me' that believes itself to be
separate from the whole and wants to become emptiness,
must now be seen as an illusion.
Recognise that you are
already the emptiness.
There is no 'I-self’ apart from
emptiness — it is the source of the sense of 'I'.
- Mooji
' The Inner Reality '...
Of little use are explanations which befog truth and bewilder understanding.
To inform a Western reader that an enlightened man sees only "Brahman" is to imply that he does not see forms, that is, the world.
But the fact is that he does see what unenlightened men see--the physical objects and creatures around him--or he could not attend to the simplest little necessity or duty of which all humans have to take care.
But he sees things without being limited to their physical appearance--he knows their inner reality too.
-- Notebooks Category 25: World-Mind in Individual Mind > Chapter 2: Enlightenment Which Stays > # 243
-- Perspectives > Chapter 25: World-Mind in Individual Mind > # 39 Paul Brunton
' Gautama '...
Gautama, this small Indian thinker..
It is strange that another would appear five hundred years later..
They both suffered and both died..
What was learned ?..
Jesus learned that life was cheap..
Gautama learned Truth would be shared within this Rabbi..
These many years will appear long to you as you seek freedom..
But, Freedom is beyond time..
It is time to Contemplate upon Reality...
' Within us '...
What lies behind us
and what lies before us
are tiny matters compared to
what lies within us.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
' Fundamental laws '...
"There is no logical way to the discovery of these fundamental laws.
There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind appearances."
-Albert Einstein
' Higher Consciousness '...
The man who has this higher consciousness permanently will see and experience the outer world like other men,
but he will understand the relation between what he sees and the Real world which is behind it.
In the same way, anyone can understand the relation between his body and its shadows;
but whereas unenlightened men see the shadow alone, the enlightened one sees both.
-- Notebooks Category 25: World-Mind in Individual Mind >
Chapter 2: Enlightenment Which Stays > # 242
Paul Brunton
' The answers to another Spirit '...
There is too much poetry to understand, that which is beyond ego..
To think that manifestation is important, is to remain within the Dream..
The less sentences, the more Knowledge...
' Self-enquiry '...
The goal is the same for the one who meditates
[on an object] and the one who practices self-
One attains stillness through
meditation, the other through knowledge.
strives to attain something; the other seeks the
one who strives to attain.
The former takes a
longer time, but in the end attains the Self.
- Sri Ramana Maharshi
"Be As You Are"
The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
edited by David Godman
Arkana, 1985
' The mosquito said '...
One day a mosquito went to the court of King Solomon the Wise.
"O great Solomon, upon thee be peace," he cried, "I come to seek
redress at your court for the injustices which are daily being
performed against me."
Solomon said: "State your complaint, and it will certainly be
Said the mosquito: "Illustrious and all-just one, my complaint
is against the Wind. Whenever I go out into the open, the Wind comes
along and blows me away. I therfore have no hope of reaching the
places which I regard as my lawful destination."
King Solomon spoke: "In accordance with the accepted principles
of justice, no compaint can be accepted unless the other party is
present to answer the charge."
He turned to his courtiers and commanded: "Call the Wind to make
out his own case."
The Wind was called up, and presently the breeze which heralded
his coming was felt to rustle slowly, then stronger.
And the mosquito shouted: "O Great KIng! I withdraw my
complaint, because the air is driving me round and round in circles,
and before the Wind is actually here I shall have been swept away."
Thus were the circumstances imposed both by the plaintiff and
the court found to be impossible to the cause of justice.
as collected by Idries Shah
' The act of living '...
Philosophic discipline relates at every point to the act of living.
For once insight has been unfolded,
the philosopher is continuously aware of the oneness of the stuff of the world existence--which includes his own existence, too.
-- Notebooks Category 25: World-Mind in Individual Mind >
Chapter 2: Enlightenment Which Stays > # 239
Paul Brunton
' The World '...
This world is a comedy to those that think,
a tragedy to those that feel.
- Horace Walpole
' The Knowledge of Self '...
The knowledge of self is the essential knowledge; it gives knowledge of humanity. In the understanding of the human being lies that understanding of nature which reveals the law of creation.
Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:
What we need most is the understanding of that religion of religions and that philosophy of philosophies which is self-knowledge. We shall not understand the outer life if we do not understand ourselves. It is the knowledge of the self that gives the knowledge of the world.
One may ask, what should one study? There are two kinds of studies. One kind is by reading the teachings of the great thinkers and keeping them in mind, the study of metaphysics, psychology, and mysticism. And the other kind of study is the study of life. Every day one has an opportunity for studying; but it should be a correct study. When a person travels in a tramcar, in the train, with a newspaper in his hand, he wants to read the sensational news which is worth nothing. He should read human nature which is before him, people coming and going. If he would continue to do this, he would begin to read human beings as though they were letters written by the divine pen, which speak of their past and future. He should look deeply at the heavens and at nature and at all the things to be seen in everyday life, and reflect upon them with the desire to understand. This kind of study is much superior, incomparably superior, to the study of books.
If a person goes through his whole life most cleverly judging others, he may go on, but he will find himself to be more foolish at every step. At the end, he reaches the fullness of stupidity. But the one who tries, tests, studies and observes himself, his own attitude in life, his own outlook on life, his thought, speech, and action, who weighs and measures and teaches himself self discipline, it is that person who is able to understand another better. How rarely one sees a soul who concerns himself with himself through life, in order to know! Mostly, every soul seems to be busily occupied with the lives of others. And what do they know in the end? Nothing. If there is a kingdom of God to be found anywhere, it is within oneself.
And it is, therefore, in the knowledge of self that there lies the fulfillment of life. The knowledge of self means the knowledge of one's body, the knowledge of one's mind, the knowledge of one's spirit; the knowledge of the spirit's relation to the body and the relation of the body to the spirit; the knowledge of one's wants and needs, the knowledge of one's virtues and faults; knowing what we desire and how to attain it, what to pursue and what to renounce. And when one dives deep into this, one finds before one a world of knowledge which never ends. And it is that knowledge which gives one insight into human nature and brings one to the knowledge of the whole of creation. And in the end one attains to the knowledge of the divine Being.
' The Sage '...
Is such a statement that the sage sees no world because no world exists to be taken literally?
Does it really mean what it says?
If so, the sage is squatting in complete isolation, not even seeing a single sage existent anywhere in space now,
or in time earlier, and who hears or records this statement,
since all others are non-existent along with the world.
-- Notebooks Category 25: World-Mind in Individual Mind >
Chapter 2: Enlightenment Which Stays > # 238
Paul Brunton
' The secret of existence '...
"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.
Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one.
Only the moment you reject all help, you are freed."
— Gautama the Buddha
' Spiritual maturity '...
Spiritual maturity lies in the readiness to let go everything.
giving up is the first step.
But the real giving up is in realizing
that there is nothing to give up, for nothing is your own.
It is like deep sleep you do not give up your bed when you fall asleep
you just forget it.
-Sri Nisargadatta,
I Am That
' Peace '...
People say "I want peace."
If you remove I (ego),
and your want
you are left with peace.
-Satya Sai Baba
' The Guest House '...
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
~ Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi ~
(The Essential Rumi, versions by Coleman Barks)
' Attachment '...
If the illuminate detaches himself from the world because of its immediate transiency,
he re-attaches himself to it again because of its ultimate unity with his own innermost being.
-- Notebooks Category 25: World-Mind in Individual Mind >
Chapter 2: Enlightenment Which Stays > # 236
Paul Brunton
' The Truth is simple '...
Truth is very simple, don't complicate it.
You must be in the Light to know the darkness:
Just be aware of yourself, the Light.
Jump into the fire of Knowledge
and don't be concerned with what will happen
to your clothing of concepts and vasanas.
This fire will burn all.
- Papaji, from The Truth Is
' Thoughts on a Friday Night '...
A female within the Dream is happy upon the exposure,
of non-cancer that generosity is exhibited..
We have seen these put forward within thinking..
We are 'Thoughts', but 'action' is next..
We still have names..
How do we separate from 'Source?'...
You are Mystics, You do understand..
Source is not Divisible...
' Be careful '...
106. Be careful.
The moment you start talking
you create a verbal universe,
a universe of words, ideas,
concepts and abstractions,
interwoven and interdependent,
most wonderfully
generating, supporting and explaining each other
and yet all without essence or substance,
mere creations of the mind.
Words create words,
reality is silent.
107. Once you are beyond the person,
you need no words.
-The above Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj quotes are from the book
The Seven Steps to Awakening.
' Satisfaction '...
"Satisfaction is quietness of heart under the course of destiny."
in Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Mysticism and Traditional Philosophy in Persia, Pre-Islamic and Islamic
Studies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 5, No. 4 (Autumn, 1971)
' Living while dead '...
Certainly we are living
compared to stones,
but compared to
we are dead.
In a dream you think
you are seeing and observing
but those who are standing
outside you, awake,
know you are sleeping still.
The living ones
call the dead 'the dead'
and higher living Beings
call living ones the dead.
"In Light of Wisdom"
Swami Amar Jyoti
Truth Consciousness, Boulder, Colorado, 1983
' The pain of creation '...
I have been involved within mystical knowledge , since the Teacher named Francis of Assisi appeared within the thoughts of my mind within my youth..
The Consciousness of mystic and non-awakened is called 'Yin and Yang'..
The pain of creation is that which you have chosen to enter..
All Creation are Dreams and disappear upon the non-attention to ego..
To 'Disappear' is to return to Reality, otherwise know as 'Awakening '...
Death is Awakening, says all religions, why do you doubt me ?...
Upon the 'First Reality', You are Light..
Upon the 'Final Reality', You are Thought..
' Volition '...
There cannot be any volition.
God cannot let two billion
people have volition and still run this universe with any
kind of precision!
"A Net of Jewels"
Ramesh S. Balsekar
Advaita Press, 1996
' The ordinary man '...
The ordinary man is aware of his surroundings, first, by naming and labelling them;
second, by linking them with past memory of them;
and third, by relating them to his own personal self.
The illumined egoless man is simply aware of them,
without any of these other added activities.
-- Notebooks Category 25: World-Mind in Individual Mind >
Chapter 2: Enlightenment Which Stays > # 230
Paul Brunton
' Dreaming and Awakening '...
In the dream world,
there’s enough room for both a “you” and a “God.”
In awakening, however,
you’ll both have to disappear.
-Chuck Hillig
' The truth you believe '...
The truth you believe and cling to makes you
unavailable to hear anything new.
- Pema Chödrön
' The power of belief '...
Thoughts are just moving through consciousness.
They have no power.
Nothing has reality until you reach it,
grab it, and somehow impregnate it
with the power of belief.
' Peace of mind '...
He will be honest enough to admit that he does care if things are going wrong, if possessions are falling away, and if his desires are ending in frustration instead of fulfilment.
But he will also be wise enough to declare that he knows that peace of mind is still worth seeking despite these disappointments and that intuitions of the Overself are no less necessary to his happiness and well-being than are the comforts of this world.
-- Notebooks Category 24: The Peace within You >
Chapter 1: The Search for Happiness > # 76
Paul Brunton
' Thoughts on a Tuesday Night '...
Cindy said;
" Life is exhausting ,Therefore, Non-existence is a Desire for Happiness "..
Cindy is my Lover, the wall of non-ego..
I understand her thoughts and of course, add to them..
I speak of Learning, but, Source tells me that learning is not needed..
The Secret is letting Go..
To continue to Grasp is the formula for Reincarnation..
Stop looking for a name..
Return to Pure Awareness...
' You must complete '...
You will unconsciously attract into your life
those people and situations which will likely
stimulate the unresolved issues of your childhood.
Life condemns you to repeat whatever it is that
you didn’t find the courage to fully complete.
In short, all of your past incompletions in life will
always keep showing up for you.
As somebody once said, “The past isn’t over. In
Fact, it isn’t even past.”
-Seeds for the Soul
Chuck Hillig
Black Dot Publications, 2003
' What is Love ?'...
Is Love pleasure,
Is Love merriment?
No, Love is longing constantly;
Love is persevering unweariedly;
Love is hoping patiently;
Love is willing surrender;
Love is regarding constantly the will and pleasure of the Beloved -
For Love is resignation to the Will of the Possessor of one's heart.
It is Love that teaches Man - it is Thou, not I.
-Pir Hazrat Inayat Khan
' Practice Detachment '...
To practise living in the world and yet not being of it,
involves becoming a spectator not only of the world but also of oneself.
To the extent that he gets lost in the world-experience,
to that extent he loses this deeper self-awareness.
-- Notebooks Category 24: The Peace within You >
Chapter 3: Practise Detachment > # 207
Paul Brunton
' The ripening of insight '...
You seem to want instant insight, forgetting
that the instant is always preceded by a long
The fruit falls suddenly, but the
ripening takes time.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj
"I Am That"
Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
The Acorn Press, 1973
' The beauty in everything '...
So really what it comes down to, it's God.
Wherever you look, it's God
appearing as this, that, and what you really love and appreciate in each form
is the divine formless out of which each form comes.
But to be able to sense
that you have to sense it in yourself first.
And that is seeing the beauty in
everything, that's really what it means.
~Eckhart Tolle
' Oneness '...
The beauty of the heart
is the lasting beauty:
its lips give to drink
of the water of life.
Truly it is the water,
that which pours,
and the one who drinks.
All three become one when
your talisman is shattered.
That oneness you can't know
by reasoning.
' So few know Reality '....
We have played together..
Reality tells this ego to write,
of course, I will write..
The Thoughts of Reality are of Love,
and You become the slave of Love..
This is called, humility,
and within the Mystical community
It is called Reality..
Welcome Home...
' Our Thoughts '...
We are shaped by our thoughts;
we become what we think.
When the mind is pure,
joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.
-Gautama the Buddha
' The Spiritual Master '...
"'Is a Master necessary for realisation?' Mrs. Piggot asked first.
M.: The realisation is the result of the Master's grace more than teachings, lectures, meditation, etc. They are only secondary aids, whereas the former is the primary and the essential cause.
Devotee: What are the obstacles which hinder realisation of the Self?
M.: They are habits of mind (vasanas).
D.: How to overcome the mental habits (vasanas)?
M.: By realising the Self.
D.: That is a vicious circle.
M.: It is the ego which raises such difficulties, creating obstacles and then suffers from the perplexity of apparent paradoxes. Find out who makes the enquiries and the Self will be found.
D.: What are the aids for realisation?
M.: The teachings of the Scriptures and of realised souls
D.: Can such teachings be discussions, lectures and meditations?
M.: Yes, all these are only secondary aids, whereas the essential is the Master's grace."
Sri Ramana Maharishi
Talk 13, 7th January, 1935
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1955, Vol. 1, p. 4-5
' The Divine Stillness '...
The strange result of going deeper and deeper into the Real is that silence falls more and more as a curtain over his private experience and private thought.
The strong urgency of communication which the missionary and the reformer feel, the strong need of expression which the artist and the writer have, trouble him no longer.
The inner voice is tight-lipped, or speaks to him alone.
He begins to see how much apostolic utterance is merely the overflow of personal emotion, how much artistic achievement is motivated by personal ambition, how much spiritual service is simply another phase of the ego adoring and serving itself.
Thomas Aquinas came to such an insight late in life and he, the author of so many books dedicated to the glory of God, could never again write another line.
Those who stand on the outside may consider such a severe restraint put upon oneself to be harsh and fanatical, perhaps even antisocial.
But it is safe to say that all these critics have never tracked the ego to its secret lair, never had all movement of their individual will stopped by the divine Stillness.
-- Notebooks Category 24: The Peace within You > Chapter 4:
Seek the Deeper Stillness > # 193 Paul Brunton
' The history of pain '...
Wars such as appearing now are meant to gain wealth for those that sell weapons..
Of course, the bankers lend to both sides..
You exist within a Hologram of fear and greed..
Killing your body is just a reflection of killing the ego..
You are confused upon that which must be killed..
Too many humans for such few food stuffs..
This world will be destroyed by an Asteroid,
but, we still live in fear for survival..
The end of the Hologram is not painful..
There is only silence and Light..
Love and Knowledge flow freely..
But, we are children in a world ruled by fools..
' Absorbed into the Absolute '...
The manifestations of Consciousness are unending.
Nothing in the universe is fixed. But my encouragement
is not to get too involved with any phenomena. Let them
flow, and remain in and as the space of inner neutrality.
Be empty.
Like this, the personal mind will be quickly absorbed
into the Absolute. Don't be afraid. The Real is not some
abstraction, some black hole. It is your complete Self
and the most true. It is always here. Your aspiration for
eternal life comes from here. Don't be afraid of that.
- Mooji
'The extroverted materialism '...
Because mentalism is to become a vivid fact for him and not remain a mere theory, the advanced disciple will have to convert his joys and agonies into real-seeming dream-stuff. And he will have to achieve this conversion by the power of his own hard will and his own keen understanding. The higher self may help him do this, for he may find that some of the deepest sorrows which befall him are of a special kind.
They may be extremely subtle or strikingly paradoxical or tremendous in vicissitudes. For instance, he may be estranged in the most poignant way from those dearest to him, from the master he reveres, the friends he needs, the woman he loves. He may be permitted to meet them in the flesh only briefly and only rarely, so that he will seek compensation by learning the art of meeting them often and long in thought.
If these inner experiences can utterly absorb his imaginative attention, they will come to seem as actual as outer ones. If the capacity to introspect be united with the capacity to visualize in this intense way, the result will be astonishingly effectual. Thus he comes in time to see the Mental as Real. Thus he lifts himself from a lower point of view to a higher one. Thus he thoroughly overcomes the extroverted materialism of ordinary human perception.
-- Notebooks Category 21: Mentalism > Chapter 5: The Key To the Spiritual World > # 17
-- Perspectives > Chapter 21: Mentalism > # 62 Paul Brunton
' Eternity '...
He who binds himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy.
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity's sun rise
- William Blake
' The Media '...
The Media has never been truthful about any sentence..
But, you already know this..
You seek a Savior and yet you still seek an egoic human..
No one can save You..
You, does not need salvation..
The Origen of Reality does not need witnesses..
" I and the Father are One "..
said, the Mystic..
Perhaps, there is more to learn...
' Earth and ashes '...
You're from a country beyond this universe,
yet your best guess is
you're made of earth and ashes!
You engrave this physical image everywhere
as a sign that you've forgotten
where you're from!
- Rumi
Version by Coleman Barks
Maypop, 1993
' Realize the wordless '...
Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire:
the thought that reality should be different than it is.
You realize the wordless, the unthinkable.
You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created.
In fact, there’s no mystery.
Everything is as clear as day.
It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything.
There’s only the story appearing now.
And not even that.
~ Byron Katie
' Effortless meditation '...
"Recognise the naturalness that you are - pure, all pervasive, space like, ever-expressing, spontaneous presence-awareness, with no reference point (self nature) with any substance or independent existence.
Failing to recognise naturalness (the unity of appearance and emptiness, space and its content), delusion happens and there is a grasping of or fixation on appearance - me and the other, a seeming duality.
Without that fixation there is freedom as naturalness, delusion dissolves and evenness (non-duality) remains - the natural state, simply this, nothing else.
Naturally remaining as naturalness (equanimity) is the natural (effortless) meditation of no one to meditate and nothing to meditate on.
No trying to get or trying to avoid, just effortless being which is always already so.
Recognise this again and again."
- Sailor Bob Adamson
' Individuality and mind-functions '...
"The gods and the sages experience the Infinite
continuously and eternally, without their vision being
obscured at any moment.
Their minds are surmised by
the spectators to function, but in fact they do not.
Such surmise is due to the sense of individuality in
those who draw inferences.
There is no mental function
in the absence of individuality.
Individuality and
mind-functions are co-existent.
The one cannot remain
without the other."
Sri Ramana Maharshi
in Whitall N. Perry
_A Treasury of Traditional Wisdom_
Varanasi: Indica, 1998 (1971), p. 918
' You don't even exist '...
You don't even exist! You're all an optical illusion. Nobody exists.
I'll tell you this much. We've all been totally brainwashed since birth.
Everything we believe is false, everything. You are false.
I am false. There is no reality. If there were a reality, you'd not be able
to express it, for it would be beyond human conception. If there were a
truth, we would not be able to understand it, for it would be beyond the
finite mind. The finite mind cannot understand anything, cannot know
anything. Yet there's no finite mind, so there's no one to know anything.
This is a dream world you're in now. You are dreaming the mortal dream,
that you are a man, you are a woman, you are a child, you have a job,
you go through certain experiences, things happen to you in your life.
Yet this is not true. This is a lie. In reality, you've never been born,
you do not prevail, and you do not die. There's no one who ever dies,
for there's no one who was ever born.
How can you see yourself this way? By remaining silent.
By not reading so much. By not remembering anything.
You should understand yourself, that you are the one. You are the only
one. There are no others. There is only that which has always been,
and that is you. When you realize you do not have to practice sadhana,
or meditate, or go through spiritual practices with yoga, life becomes
easy, wonderful. There's no striving for anything. There's no trying to
become somebody or something. You are your self. You have always
been your self, the self which is bright and shining, the self which is.
You are that self.
Robert Adams - The collected works.
' Beware what you pray for '...
Beware what you pray for.
Do not ask for the truth unless you know what it means and all that it implies and nevertheless are still willing to accept it.
For if it is granted to you, it will not only purge the evil out of you but later purify the egoism from your mind.
Will you be able to endure this loss, which is unlikely to be a painless one?
-- Notebooks Category 18: The Reverential Life >
Chapter 2: Prayer > # 143 Paul Brunton
' Thoughts on a Tuesday Night '...
Robocalls still try to sell me products as my phone rings without an answerer..
This is the Field of Mind that tries to control your mind..
It has always been about 'mind control '..
To control the mind and the wallet is the Dream that we live within..
To think beyond madness is difficult, when the media is controlling the thoughts..
The thoughts of the other entities will decide your will..
Repeat a lie enough times and it will be believed..
This is why Consciousness is most important..
No more thinking from the ego consciousness..
Reality is the 'Watcher' not the 'Observed '..
Who are You ?...
' Through the six chakra centers '...
My body caught fire like an ember,
as I brought the syllable OM,
the one that says “You are That,”
into me.
I moved through
the six chakra centers
that urge human beings to action
and out into the lightedness
where Lalla lives now.
- Lalla
14th Century North Indian mystic
From "Naked Song"
Versions by Coleman Barks
Maypop 1992
' What is '...
Presence is a quality of welcoming, open awareness, which is dedicated simply to "what is."
There can still be someone who is aware and there is that of which they are conscious - the sound of running water, the taste of tea, the feeling of fear, or the weight and texture of sitting on a seat.
And then there can be a letting go of the one who is aware, and all that remains is presence.
All of this is totally without judgment, analysis, the wish to reach a conclusion, or to become anything.
There is no mentation and no expectation.
There is simply "what is."
- Tony Parsons, from As It Is - The Open Secret of Spiritual Awakening,
' Break the snares of the world '...
I climb the road to Cold Mountain,
The road to Cold Mountain that never ends.
The valleys are long and strewn with stones;
The streams broad and banked with thick grass.
Moss is slippery, though no rain has fallen;
Pines sigh, but it isn’t the wind.
Who can break from the snares of the world
And sit with me among the white clouds?
' The world is a false illusion '...
The empirical world of jostling names and forms is false and has no real existence in bright, full Awareness.
Like a ring of fire formed in the dark when one whirls fast a glowing joss-stick, 'tis an illusion, mind created.
The above Ramana Maharshi quote is from the book
The Seven Steps to Awakening
' The Om '...
"All things are created by the Om;
The love-form is His body.
He is without form, without quality, without decay:
Seek thou union with Him!
But that formless God takes a thousand forms in the eyes of His creatures:
He is pure and indestructible,
His form is infinite and fathomless,
He dances in rapture, and waves of form arise from His dance.
The body and the mind cannot contain themselves, when they are touched by His great joy.
He is immersed in all consciousness, all joys, and all sorrows;
He has no beginning and no end;
He holds all within His bliss."
in Songs of Kabir, XXVI (II. 75)
Translated by Rabindranath Tagore
New York: The Macmillan Company, 1915, p. 74-75
' Tao Te Ching '...
In the pursuit of learning, every day something is acquired.
In the pursuit of Tao, every day something is dropped.
Less and less is done
Until non-action is achieved.
When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.
The world is ruled by letting things take their course.
It cannot be ruled by interfering.
- Lao-tzu
Tao Te Ching
Translation by Gia-fu Feng and Jane English
Vintage Books Edition, September 1989
' What you seek for '...
"You are searching the world for treasure,
but the real treasure is yourself.
If you are tempted by bread,
you will find only bread.
What you seek for,
you become."
Jalaludin Rumi
in Azima Melita Kolin and Maryam Mali, Translators
Rumi: Hidden Music
Barnes & Noble, 2009 (reprint), p. 72
' The soul is asleep '...
The soul informed by the ego is asleep.
This is why enlightenment is called awakening -- your soul wakes up to what is really here. . .
The most evident manifestation of the soul being asleep is one's unshakable conviction in conventional or consensus reality, and in the content of one's overall social conditioning.
~ A.H. Almaas
' The knowledge of the future ''...
You, that are awake already know of the vision of pain..
Many human entities will be destroyed but hopefully,
your prayers [songs} will enter Energy..
The Reality of Nature is that of Creation..
We keep playing this game..
A bunch of guys , beer , and hamburgers,
how can you run ?..
Only , Truth is Real,
all else are pains within the mind...
' Pure Awareness '...
8. The knowledge that ignores the Self,
the knower,
and holds as true the field perceived,
is but illusive folly.
No matter how much one has learned,
true knowledge is the merging
of all indicative knowledge
in awareness of the Self.
9. The one true light there is,
is pure Awareness.
Other kinds of knowledge clinging to it
and claiming to be real
are ego-born conceptual clouds.
To trust them is sheer folly.
10. All other kinds of knowledge are base, trivial.
The only true and perfect knowledge
is the stillness of pure awareness.
The many differences perceived in the Self
whose nature is awareness
are wrong attributions
and not real at all.
-The above Sri Ramana Maharshi quotes are from the book
The Seven Steps to Awakening.
' Past, Present, and Future '...
The mystics, the Sufis, have ways of developing the eyes.
They show
you ways of looking into space that make the eyes capable of seeing
what is reflected there.
From these reflections the past, present,
and future can be told, and all that surrounds a person.
From The Teachings of
Selected & Arranged by
' The True Self '...
The source of wisdom and power, of love and beauty, is within ourselves, but not within our egos.
It is within our consciousness.
Indeed, its presence provides us with a conscious contrast which enables us to speak of the ego as if it were something different and apart:
it is the true Self whereas the ego is only an illusion of the mind.
-- Notebooks Category 8: The Ego >
Chapter 1: What Am I? > # 2
Paul Brunton
' Growing through investigation '...
"There is no compulsion [to be reborn].
You get what you want.
You make your own plans and you carry them out.
We grow through investigation, and to investigate we need experience.
We tend to repeat what we have not understood."
- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
' Three valuable pieces of advice '...
A man once caught a bird. The bird said to him, "I am no use to you
as a captive. But let me free, and I will tell you three valuable
pieces of advice."
The bird promised to give the first piece of advice while still
in the man's grasp, the second when he reached a branch, the third
after he had gained the top of a mountain.
The man agreed, and asked for the first piece of advice.
The bird said: "If you lose something, even if it be valued by you as
much as life itself--do not regret it."
The man let the bird go, and it hopped to a branch. It
continued with the second piece of advice: "Never believe anything
which is contrary to sense without proof."
Then the bird flew to the mountain top. From there it said: "O
unfortunate one! Within me are two huge jewels, and if you had only
killed me they would have been yours!"
The man was anguished at the thought of what he had lost, but he
said: "At least now tell me the third piece of advice."
The bird replied: "What a fool you are, asking for more advice
when you have not given thought to the first two pieces! I told you
not to worry about what had been lost, and not to believe in
something contrary to sense. Now you are doing both.
You are
believing something ridiculous and grieving because you have lost
something! I am not big enough to have inside me huge jewels."
"You are a fool. Therefore you must stay within the usual
restrictions imposed on man."
as collected by Idries Shah
' Falling into Grace '...
The reality is that we don't have any control; the ego has no control over how reality unfolds and reveals itself. How is it the case that the ego doesn't have control? Simply because ego is merely a thought in your mind. It's an image. It's a way your mind references itself, thinks about itself, and creates a sense of self in the first place. If your whole egoic self is merely a product of imagination, a mechanical result of thoughts linking themselves together, then it's obvious that a thought doesn't have any control. A thought is just something that occurs. It happens and then passes away.
This is a very challenging and at times frightening thing to see, especially if we believe that we are our egos. Life, however, shows us continuously, over and over, that we really don't have the control that we want or think we have. Just look inside your own mind. You don't really have control whether one thought enters or exits your mind. If you don't even have control of the thoughts that appear in your head, how much control do you really have?
If you really have control, wouldn't you just decide to feel good all the time -- open, loving, and happy? And isn't it odd that even though life shows us over and over again that the ego doesn't have control, we keep believing that it does? We keep insisting that it does, because if it doesn't, that would be too overwhelming! It would seem like the worst thing that an ego could ever realize is that it doesn't have control, because if an ego doesn't have control, then it really has no hope. It has no way out. It has no way to make life into what it wants it to be.
It would be a terrible thing, indeed, if we actually were our egos, if we actually were the thought-created self in our mind. But we are not. Rather, what we really are is that which watches the mind, what notices the mind, and what is aware of all mental activity, including the desire to control. If you genuinely begin to look at the whole notion of control, it really begins to open up the mind. And that's what is necessary if we want to end our persistent suffering: we have to open up the way we think. Eventually, we may open up right beyond thought itself.
But initially, we have to open up what we are willing to think about and the conclusions we are willing to come to. When we are in our egos, we will naturally try to control each other, as well as ourselves. We are trying to control life. But I am sure you have noticed that you can't control life. The sun comes up when it wants, and it sets when it wants, not when you or I want it to set. The rain comes whether you want it to or not, and the moon rises whether you want it to or not, just like it sets. And the same is true with each moment, and with everyone we meet. We think we are in control, but it's an illusion.. It's a deception.
Adyashanti - Falling into Grace.
' Who am I ? '...
"When other thoughts arise, one should not pursue them, but should inquire: 'To whom do they arise?' It does not matter how many thoughts arise. As each thought arises, one should inquire with diligence, "To whom has this thought arisen?". The answer that would emerge would be "To me". Thereupon if one inquires "Who am I?", the mind will go back to its source; and the thought that arose will become quiescent. With repeated practice in this manner, the mind will develop the skill to stay in its source.
"When the mind that is subtle goes out through the brain and the sense-organs, the gross names and forms appear; when it stays in the heart, the names and forms disappear. Not letting the mind go out, but retaining it in the Heart is what is called "inwardness" (antar-mukha). Letting the mind go out of the Heart is known as "externalisation" (bahir-mukha). Thus, when the mind stays in the Heart, the 'I' which is the source of all thoughts will go, and the Self which ever exists will shine. Whatever one does, one should do without the egoity "I". If one acts in that way, all will appear as of the nature of Siva (God)."
-Sri Ramana Maharshi
Who Am I? (Nan-Yar?), 11
in The Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
Translated by Dr. T. M. P. Mahadevan
Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam
' Space-time points '...
We are ultimately, in what we call a spiritual sense,
neither human beings, nor males nor females, but
only forces of Nature which have concentrated
themselves in certain space-time points, looking like
This is how self-analysis has to be
carried on.
When you think along these lines, you will
find that your mind becomes "total" instead of fragmentary.
- Swami Krishnananda
Your Questions Answered
Swami Krishnananda
The Divine Life Trust Society, 1995
' An Act of Charity '...
In prebiblical times, a young man once got married. The Prophet of
that people, who performed the wedding, told his companions that this
young man was to die that very night. Next morning, the bridegroom
came to worship, to the astonishment of those present. The Prophet
asked the young man whether he had put away his mattress and
bedding. "No," the man replied.
The Prophet then took his companions to the young man's house. He
turned over the bedding, and there was a poisonous snake lying under
the mattress. The Prophet addressed the snake, "What are you doing
here? Why did you come here?" Everyone heard the snake answer, "I was
sent to bite this young man, but I was bound with an iron chain. Try
as I might, I could not escape from the chain."
The Prophet turned to the young bridegroom and asked, "What good
have you done recently?" The man replied, "I gave a cup of milk to a
beggar who came to my door last night." The Prophet said, "You see,
that act of charity saved you!"
-Sheikh Muzaffer
as collected by James Fadiman & Robert Frager
' Thought pretends to be you '...
Some teachings call the impostor self ego.
Other teachings call the impostor self mind.
The term impostor self is a better term than ego
because the word ego has so many different definitions.
Psychology defines ego in one way,
the dictionary defines ego in another way
and these definitions are not the same as
what the awakened sages mean by the word ego.
The impostor self is thought.
The impostor self is the words in your mind.
Those words of the language or languages
you are fluent in came from outside of you.
That is why you cannot speak fluently
in one hundred languages,
because language comes from the outside.
You existed before you learned the languages
you now think in.
Therefore you are not thought.
However, thought pretends to be you.
The above quotes are from the introduction to the book
The Seven Steps to Awakening.
' One and Alone '...
"Naught ever can be known in God:
One and Alone Is He.
To know Him, Knower must be one with Known."
Angelus Silesius
Selections from The Cherubinic Wanderer
Translated by J. E. Crawford Flitch
London, 1932
' Divine Pride '...
from "The Teachings of Rumi," compiled by Andrew Harvey
*Divine Pride*
One day, someone asked Rumi, "We see that certain ancient sages were
extremely proud - what does such pride mean?"
He replied, "In people of God, pride is a pride of divine greatness,
and not a pride of opinions or passion, nor a presumption that arises from
high spiritual rank.
When the Imam Dja'far Cadiq, who purified his soul
and paid no attention to caliphs and Kings, was asked about this pride, he
replied, "I myself am not proud.
I have abandoned my own existence, the
greatness of God has annihilated me and installed itself in place of my
pride; the pride I am speaking of springs directly out of the heart of the
greatness of God; as for me, in the middle of all this glory, I do not exist."
' To Know what is Precious '...
This huging within the Divine Thinkers is most important..
The ego is left behind and Love enters the experience..
Gold and desire is left behind within desire..
Love is all that is sought..
This mental experience called Love is all that is left..
You will feel the physical within hugging, but thought towers above..
The Consciousness of Dreams is felt within physical contact..
The Frequencies of material and spiritual form are connected..
The Family of humans that you are attached to,
are the Gold, that you are seeking...
' True Surrender '...
True surrender means in effect the acceptance
of the fact that there is no individual entity with
ability to act independently of God or the Self.
- Ramesh S. Balsekar
"A Net of Jewels"
Ramesh S. Balsekar
Advaita Press, 1996
' Spirit cannot die '...
All that is constructed is subject to destruction; all that is composed must be decomposed; all that is formed must be destroyed; that which has birth has death.
But all this belongs to matter:
the spirit that is absorbed by this formation of matter or by its mechanism lives, for spirit cannot die.
What we call life is an absorption of spirit by matter.
As long as the matter is strong and energetic enough to absorb life or spirit from space, it continues to live and move and be in good condition, but when it has lost its grip on the spirit, when it cannot absorb the spirit as it ought to, then it cannot live, for the substance of matter is spirit.
From The Teachings Of
Selected & Arranged By
' Intuition '...
What is more private, more intimate, than intuition?
It is the only means they possess wherefrom to start to get mystical experience, glimpses, true enlightenment.
Yet they insist on seeking among those who stand outside them, among the teachers, for that which must be searched after and felt inside themselves.
-- Notebooks Category 22: Inspiration and the Overself >
Chapter 1: Intuition the Beginning > # 285
Paul Brunton
' A Higher Existence '...
Why does the material thought desire existence ?..
Do Plants think of these matters ?..
It is an Ocean of Consciousness..
Thought is a Voice used..
Consciousness has no name..
No gender or identity..
' It Is '..
A separate ego cannot enter this Door..
' What is Source ?'...
“Jesus Christ knew he was God.
So wake up and find out eventually who you really are.
In our culture, of course, they’ll say you’re crazy and you’re blasphemous, and they’ll either put you in jail or in a nut house (which is pretty much the same thing).
However if you wake up in India and tell your friends and relations,
‘My goodness, I’ve just discovered that I’m God,’
they’ll laugh and say,
‘Oh, congratulations, at last you found out.”
― Alan W. Watts, The Essential Alan Watts
' Water of Source '...
“In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagvat Geeta, since whose composition years of the gods have elapsed,
and in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial; and I doubt if that philosophy is not to be referred to a previous state of existence,
so remote is its sublimity from our conceptions.
I lay down the book and go to my well for water, and lo! there I meet the servant of the Bramin, priest of Brahma and Vishnu and Indra, who still sits in his temple on the Ganges reading the Vedas,
or dwells at the root of a tree with his crust and water jug.
I meet his servant come to draw water for his master, and our buckets as it were grate together in the same well. The pure Walden water is mingled with the sacred water of the Ganges.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Walden
' Pure Awareness '...
8. The knowledge that ignores the Self,
the knower,
and holds as true the field perceived,
is but illusive folly.
No matter how much one has learned,
true knowledge is the merging
of all indicative knowledge
in awareness of the Self.
9. The one true light there is,
is pure Awareness.
Other kinds of knowledge clinging to it
and claiming to be real
are ego-born conceptual clouds.
To trust them is sheer folly.
10. All other kinds of knowledge are base, trivial.
The only true and perfect knowledge
is the stillness of pure awareness.
The many differences perceived in the Self
whose nature is awareness
are wrong attributions
and not real at all.
11. What sort of knowledge
is this wretched bodily-mental knowledge of objects?
Would those who long for pure awareness
hanker after this?
To know pure awareness is true wisdom.
All other knowledge is mere folly.
12. What if one knows the subtle secret
of manifold inscrutable mysteries?
Until one knows the awareness
which reveals all other knowledge,
does one know the Truth?
13. How can any treatise thrust some wisdom
into that human-seeming heap of clay
which keenly watches things perceived
and not at all the Self, Awareness?
14. What is worth seeking and discovering
is the truth of Self.
Such knowledge comes only to
the still, clear intellect
not muddled by strenuous search without
but questing for the Truth in silence.
The above Sri Ramana Maharshi quotes are from the book
The Seven Steps to Awakening.
' Transcending intellectual illusion '...
It is also needful to remember that the higher self can only be known by the higher part of the mind, that is, the intuition.
The emotions are on a lesser and lower level, however noble or religious they may be.
The immense satisfaction which the ecstatic raptures give is no indication that he is directly touching reality, but only that he is coming closer to it.
They may seem purely spiritual, but they still belong to the ego's feeling nature and if he believes otherwise he will fall into self-deception.
Only through the pure intuition, freed from emotional egoism and transcending intellectual illusion, can he really make a contact with the Overself.
And that will happen in a state of utter and perfect tranquillity; there will be none of the emotional excitement which marked the successful practice of the earlier stage of meditation exercises.
-- Notebooks Category 22: Inspiration and the Overself >
Chapter 1: Intuition the Beginning > # 222
Paul Brunton
' Pride '...
"If you desire to obtain help, put away pride.
Even a hair of pride shuts you off, as if by a cloud."
Shinto Oracle of Kasuga
in Andrew Wilson, Ed.
_World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts_
St. Paul, MN: Paragon House, 1995, p. 291
' Today '...
It's good to leave each day behind,
like flowing water, free of sadness.
Yesterday is gone and its tale told.
Today new seeds are growing.
- Rumi
"Rumi - Whispers of the Beloved"
Selected and translated by
Azima Melita Kolin and Maryam Mafi
Thorsons, London
' Pseudo-intuitions '...
If it be asked how to prevent oneself from being deceived by these pseudo-intuitions, it can be said that a useful rule is to check them against other sources on the same subject and see if they all harmonize.
If, for example, fifty inspired men who have written on the subject teach what contradicts the alleged intuition, then there is something wrong on one side or the other and careful investigation is called for.
It is always safer to ascertain what the great scriptural texts or the classic mystical testaments have to tell on the matter and not depend solely on what one's intuition tells.
-- Notebooks Category 22: Inspiration and the Overself >
Chapter 1: Intuition the Beginning > # 220
Paul Brunton
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