
' Who am I ?'...

When you ask yourself the question, Who am I?

you will immediately notice a vast space, and that vast space is the answer. You, your natural state as presence/awareness, is the answer. This is all that there ever was, is, and will be.

Ask the question, and then stop there, at the edge of a vast aware space of not knowing. Go no further. Allow the answer to reveal itself. This is not an intellectual knowing.

If you just continue to pursue the question rather than paying attention to what is actually there, thoughts and ideas will continue to flood in to try to fill that unknowingness.

You will never find the answer in the realm of the mind, because the mind seeks always to fill in the space with ideas, concepts, and imaginings. Why? Because the mind, the false self, is uneasy with not knowing! Generating fantasies gives the mind a reason to exist.

As you gain experience with this, you will stop rushing to fill the gap. You will no longer try to fill the space. You can be content with not knowing..

~ Enza Vita

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