
' Love the unloveable '...

Every position that you find yourself in, every situation that you find yourself in, with whomever you may be in this world, is your right place at this moment.

Bless this, love it.

I know it sounds hard when you think of a horrible condition and you say, " I must love it?".

Let me explain again. The reason you love it, is because God is all there is.

Try to remember this.

There is nothing but God.

Therefore if you hate something, you are hating God which is your Self.

when you become despondent, depressed, hateful, feeling sorry for yourself, this is what blasphemy really means, for you are feeling this way about you,

our Self. Can't you see?

You look at a situation, you watch it, you observe it, you never react, you leave it alone. And then you will be given the power to handle it, to go through it, without thinking, without thoughts, without any commotion, without any noise.

These are the things, you must work on.

~ Robert Adams

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