
' The movie of ego '...

Waking up from the movie of ego..

Imagine you are in a theater watching a movie. It’s a suspense thriller. You have attached emotionally to the main character. You have seen the struggles the character has been through. You identify with her story. You are on the edge of your seat, waiting desperately to see how it all ends—to see the grand finale when everyone lives happily ever after. When the movie ends, you know it is not real and that it never was. You are able to walk away, liberated from attachment to the movie.

The personal story of “me” is much like a movie. You have an unsatisfactory past. You are seeking the future to bring some release of that dissatisfaction.

The pointers in this book are about the possibility of waking up from the movie of “me.” It is much like sitting back in your chair at the theater and realizing, “This is just a movie. It is not real.”

In that relaxation, the present moment is realized to be the only true reality. The sense of a “separate me” with all of its suffering and searching in time is seen to be a script in the mind. What is left is unconditional love and unbounded freedom. It is then realized that completion is already here in this moment.

There was never anything to seek.

-Kiloby, Scott. Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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