
Being Present...

This is really a vast topic and nobody understands it completely and I am not pretending to. Nevertheless, I have, without any doubt, been ushered into a state of miraculously enlivened consciousness and feeling, which reverberates in the One Divine Being. Through the uniquely activated bliss that begins to manifest as this Awakened Heart Consciousness, you can actually begin to transform the lives of many people just by your simple human presence.

I don't know how this happens. There will always remain many unanswered questions, even when you have the greatest meditative experiences. Even when you seem to abide effortlessly in a blissful condition that never fluctuates, there are still lots of questions. And I think that's okay.

I don't think we need to answer all the questions. I think you need to be present as this unconditional awakening and immense feeling, and begin triggering the lives around you, begin triggering many people through simple human relationships, relationships that are no longer either simple or merely human."

Quotation taken from the talk, "Reverberations within the Void," a talk,
by David Spero

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