
I still want to play...

Listen to Jackson Browne and see beyond the Dream..

Jesus as a young man is killed and yet still wants to play..

This 'Play' is the illusion of manifestation..

He appears as desired..

He is Divine Consciousness and changes the script..

How does Love appear within a Play ?..

Yes, humility appears and walks within silence and glory..

And yet, you desire to remain an Actor..

How can you achieve Freedom?..

You remain running and ask;

"when can I stop ?"..

You can stop,

when you begin to listen...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

....after re-reading this line I find it may mean that Jesus knew of his fate before he ever arrived on the scene but he still wanted to "play".

this energy he represents wanted to enter this dream....out of love and compassion for us. Yes, he certainly changed the script! He suffered his fate but upon doing so showed us the way into the light,....for those that choose to listen and see.