
Thoughts are not real...

If you could really understand right now that your thoughts aren't real, you could give up all seeking and you would find yourself living in perfect being, pure consciousness and unconditional bliss/happiness in this very moment. You would find yourself effortlessly and beautifully living in God.

YOUR THOUGHTS AREN'T REAL....They are real as thoughts, but they are not the same thing as concrete reality HERE AND NOW. They are a filter that is placed over reality most all the time in the majority of people on the planet.

The first step in "practicing" unhappiness is believing your thoughts.

Adya once told me that when he was a little kid, this was totally obvious to him. He suddenly realized one day that the reason adults were unhappy was because they just believed that their thoughts were real!

"Wow, how silly and unnecessarily serious and concerned these adults are!" he realized.... "They must actually be a bit mad!" And then he went out and played!

Then he said, as he grew up a bit himself, he somehow forgot this truth.
But then one day, he remembered it again!

- Francis Bennett

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