
Seeing Through Thought...

Thought creates apparent duality. It arises as simultaneous and mutually-dependant opposites including right v. wrong, good v. bad, you v. me, us v. them, positive v. negative, success v. failure, agreement v. disagreement, happy v. sad, self v. no self, spiritual v. unspiritual, enlightened v. unenlightened.

Do you see the incredible limitation built into dualistic thought? Thought can only land on one side or the other. It cannot hold two opposite views. Thought will only show you a partial, fragmented, dualistic view of life.

Oneness can only be revealed through non-dual, formless awareness. Non-dual awareness is not a thought. It is what is looking right now before thought fragments your present experience into apparent dualism.

In reading that last paragraph, it may sound as if you need to reach a state of no thought before Oneness is realized. No. Once you see that who you are is this non-dual, empty awareness, you see that every dualistic thought is also empty. You (empty awareness) are appearing as every dualistic perspective. Formlessness is form and form is formlessness.

Dualistic thought is seen through. "Seeing through" thought means that thought no longer creates a rigidsense of separation. There is no longer identification with any view that appears in the realm of dualistic opposites. Thought loses its power over you. Each dualistic view is seen to be ultimately as empty as the awareness from which it comes.

~ From: Reflections of the One Life, by Scott Kiloby

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