

I would call "full-circle awakening" a full circle journey, if you will, from identification with the merely or exclusively human...... to the awakening to transcendence, the dimension of "Spirit" or pure consciousness......... to an opening and return movement back down and into the embodied human and phenomenal dimension (Incarnational/integral spirituality)...but the return movement back to the human/phenomenal dimension would now be seen from a radically different perspective of the transcendent/absolute as the centralidentification rather than from a very ego-centric position that sees the personal "me" as the center of everything.

So in the end, what I am calling "full circle awakening" integrates and includes the personal self, the phenomenal world, human culture and social realities, but NOT from an ego-centric, absolute position of the "me" as the center.

"Full circle awakening" is not an annihilation or denial of the me, the "ego" or personal sense of self, but rather it is a de-centralization or a "redeeming" of it. It takes the personal sense of self with its body/mind, personality structure from the central place of identification, it "de-thrones it" if you will. But it then INCLUDES it by acknowledging that a personal sense of self is part and parcel of human life and is included in who and what we are on a phenomenal level.

Full circle awakening actually even has a certain appreciation for and embrace of, the personal self structure as a vehicle or container for the transcendent dimension of Spirit/divinity/pure consciousness to express itself and incarnate into the phenomenal/physical/human world. In full circle awakening thepersonal self stops being the center of the universe and becomes the humble servant of God/consciousness/Life. In full circle awakening, the structure of "a person", of a "you" and a "me", becomes the vehicle for expressing the Christ or Atman Consciousness.......and each of our "vehicles" does this in their own particular, unique and beautiful way. In a way that has quite literally, never been seen before and will never be seen again.

This approach of "full circle awakening" involves a "growing up" as well as a "waking up" and a very integral appreciation for not only the transcendent dimension of who and what we are, but also for the physical, human, bodily, personal dimensions of who we are.

- Francis Bennett

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