
Thoughts on a wednesday night...

You have all read my words many times before.

Therefore, why are you still here?..

There comes a time when Knowledge is no longer needed..

You walk the path of non-duality without a scout..

You no longer feel the pain of egoic-desire..

You are the stillness of solitude..

You look about you and see the Dreamers of happiness..

They look within the Dream for happiness but You know better..

How strange to know that Dreams exist for the separate..

In Reality, You Awaken as Awareness and Light..

You quickly forget the Dreams and swim within Love..


But, you still believe that you are human and trapped within Dreams..

Contemplate these words...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

we come for the poetry...

we come for the reinforcement.....

we come because the dream is like heroin.....

we come because we still struggle with egoic desires...

we come because it soothes the soul....

we come because we still need the bell rung ....
