
Co-creating reality...

Thought is memory. It cannot see what is. Only awareness sees what is. Thoughts constitute an interpretation of what is. They are memories. Therefore, no matter what you conclude about what is seen in this moment, the conclusion is not what is. It is your interpretation of what is. Your dream.

Reality is both formless awareness and the forms (interpretations) that arise from it and disappear back into it. In that way, one could say that reality is being co-created. There is ‘what is’ plus the interpretation of ‘what is.’ Your mind is interpreting reality all the time. Conflict and separation appear real when you believe that only your interpretation is correct and you do not see that formless awareness is arising as every interpretation. It is arising as everything you see.

When you find yourself in conflict, it just means that you mistook your interpretation of what is happening for reality itself. In reality, there is no conflict. Conflict arises when interpretations clash. Do not seek to be rid of your interpretation. Simply see that it is an interpretation. In that seeing, there is no longer identification with the interpretation, yet there is also not a denial of that interpretation. Thought still arises but it is no longer creating conflict. This is when it is seen that Oneness is seeing itself everywhere, in the broad diversity of life. Formless love is seeing and loving itself in every form.

-from Reflections on the One Life,
Scott Kiloby

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