
Space as a Pointer...

The word space is a nice pointer. Look with awareness into your inner body. Let awareness feel the inside of your toes, your calves, your knees, your legs, your groin, your stomach and chest, your arms, your shoulders and your head. Notice that your inner body and mind is one undivided awake space. Notice that the only ‘thing’ that makes a distinction between the inside and outside of the body is thought. Thought creates an imaginary, solid boundary between “you” and “life.”

When thought is looking, there is a boundary. When non-conceptual awareness is looking, it sees no solid boundary. The space in the room or area around the body is the same space as within the body.

As this awake space sees that there is no separation between you and life, Oneness is revealed. This awake space is directly aware of what is, before thought registers or records experience and places it into concepts. Before the thoughts “arm,” “body,” “me” and “space” arise, there is only the direct, undivided presence. There is only this direct experiencing.

In this direct experiencing, thoughts arise. Emotionsarise. These ‘things’ appear from this space and are therefore not separate from it. Only thought creates a distinction between space and form, between thought and awareness. In seeing that this interplay between space and form is one seamless dance, all there is, is the present play of life — a total mystery.

~ From: Reflections of the One Life, by Scott Kiloby

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