
Thoughts on a friday night...

It is late on this night and yet Consciousness is relentless on speaking..

It speaks to this egoic consciousness and talks of separation..

Between parent and child, the voices speak loudly..

The souls that surround me speak of their pain..

Love is not found within these words..

I find resentment and non-love..

How can these souls find Reality when they are trapped within this mental prison ?..

I can only listen, I cannot speak for fear of offending the ego..

The ego will refuse to listen when wisdom does not conform to egoic desire..

Do you feel the awakening of Truth ?..

I am speaking to you and only you..

You are alone within this Dream but you bump into thousands of images..

Have I confused you yet ?..

I am the Voice that speaks directly to your Soul..

I Am You...

namaste, thomas

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