
Ramesh Balsekar...

A commerce graduate from the University of London, Ramesh S. Balsekar worked as the General Manager of a leading nationalized Bank and retired as its President in 1977. Even during his working life, he always felt he was enacting some role in a play that must, and would, end soon. Deep within, he believed that there had to be more to life than merely getting ahead of the other man.

What was he seeking? The answer came soon after his retirement when he had an encounter, which soon led to daily meetings, with the well-known sage, and his Guru, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. The total understanding that 'no one does anything' happened in 1979. Ramesh began translating most of the daily talks held by Nisargadatta Maharaj. He himself began teaching in 1982. The 'command' to talk was given by his Guru. These talks or 'conversations' began on the day when an Australian man showed up at his door early one morning. The next day, this Australian returned with a few of his friends. Gradually, the number of visitors who came to listen to Ramesh began to grow. Since then, he has written over 20 books and held several seminars in Europe and the USA and, while he is in Mumbai, the talks continue every morning at his residence. As Ramesh says, "No one is invited, and everyone is welcome."

Recognized as one of the foremost contemporary sages and considered a Master of pure Advaita around the world, Ramesh, who is married and a father of three children, is widely regarded as a 'householder' Guru. He elaborates his own concepts with those of his Guru Nisargadatta Maharaj, the Buddha, Ramana Maharshi, selected Hindu scriptures as well as the teachings of Taoist Masters and Wei Wui Wei. All serve as pointers to the Truth - The Ultimate Understanding.

"What is the Ultimate Understanding?" asks Ramesh, and answers it by saying, "That there is no one to understand anything." He emphasizes that everything he says is a concept and, moreover, it does not matter whether the concept is accepted or not. "Whether the acceptance happens or not is the Will of God, and the destiny of the individual concerned." According to Ramesh, many spiritual Masters instruct their disciples to "kill the ego" which results in a lot of confusion. In striking contrast, the point of his teaching is that it 'converts' the ego. With this teaching it can be observed, from one's own personal experience, the simple truth as enunciated by the Buddha that "Events happen, deeds are done, but there is no individual doer thereof."

Ramesh further points out that the main confusion arises with the question "Who seeks what? What is the ego and what is the ego seeking?" The ego wants self-realization and the ego can only be satisfied with something that can be understood and appreciated in this life. Self-realization is simply the realization by the ego that the ego itself is not a separate doer, that the doing is merely a happening through a human mechanism or instrument. This understanding annihilates the guilt and shame, pride and arrogance that accompany the sense of personal doership. The result is an enormous sense of freedom, of peace and harmony.

The teachings that emanate from Ramesh are pure Advaita: 'Consciousness is all there is'. The impact of the teachings is fuelled with the force of his 'Total Understanding'. From his own life experiences, Ramesh makes the teachings relevant - for the here and now...

- from

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