
The practice of surrender...

My sense more and more is that surrender to God, Life, the Universe...whatever you want to call "It", is really the primary spiritual practice, or at least one of the major ones.The thing that makes the path of surrender such a unique approach to spiritual practice is that we are not really thinking that we need to solve all our "problems"and accomplish some big self-improvement program before we will allow ourselves to be happy.

We are not trying to bring an end to pain, emotional or physical. We are not trying to change ourselves some situation or some other person or experience in order to make ourselves happy (not that this objective does not have its validity sometimes in some situations in a relative sense).

In the practice of surrender we are actually just recognizing that we really have no control over life for the most part anyway. We are letting go of our concepts and ideas about how it all "should be" and we are recognizing that there is a core to consciousness that already allows, embraces and loves what is, just as it is right now in this moment.

We are recognizing that there is already a deep core of being within us that is always unconditionally happy in the ABSOLUTE innate happiness of Being itself, no matter what may be or may not be happening around us.

- Francis Bennett

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