

Do you ever get the feeling
that you live on the threshold
of pure possibility?

That you are life itself,
and the power that creates galaxies
moves through you?
And you are that power?

And every thought, every sensation,
every feeling, however intense,
however uncomfortable, however fragile,
is itself an expression of the same power?
That no thought nor sensation is against you?
That you are vast enough to hold it all?

That you are not a person becoming conscious,
nor a seeker seeking that which seekers seek,
but consciousness itself pretending to be
a person becoming conscious,
seeking itself and delighting in the seeking?

That the wave cannot be divided from the ocean?
That you are the destination and the origin?
That love is closer than the next breath?
And infinite peace is your nature and birthright?

Do you ever get the feeling
that you live on the threshold
of pure possibility?
And all the wonders of the universe
are already yours?

- Jeff Foster

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