
" you will die "...

Does this bring fear within your mind?..

The body dies and the soul continues..

The soul is the sub-conscious mind that contacts both Divine Consciousness and conscious mind..

This soul is treated as a system of memories that can be captured by those entities called satanic..

It is the focus of Thought..

It is the energy of manifestation..

It is also a Dream..

You are Divine Consciousness that believes that You are an energy called soul..

You have been lost for a great while..

Soul becomes lost within the belief in egoic desire..

Are you confused yet?..

You have two hurdles to jump..

ego and soul..

and when You discover that You are neither, You enter Nothingness..

Still too much to comprehend?..

You are actually Pure Awareness but are too asleep to know this..

Pure Awareness is the Reality of the 'Consciousness' and 'Energy of Source' called Love...

My paragraph is completed...

namaste, thomas

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