
" I AM "...

To add a little more personal knowledge to this experience of "I Am",...

when, I have surrendered the desire of ego and awaken into the Light and Love of Divine Consciousness and find myself as Light and Love within Light and Love, I have the identity of Consciousness and Divinity,

with all the abilities to create according to thoughts projected..

but, this is just the game of Pure Consciousness and is also the ultimate illusion..

many souls will stay within this Reality for eons because of the intense Love that is felt..

I even found myself thinking that I never want to leave this place..

but, then a Voice asked me if I want to stay or return to the body..

This is when I Realised that I was still separated from complete Freedom because I still had an identity that separated Me from that which spoke..

This is the place that We are at, Now..

We are watching a hologram called life while in this state of Divine Consciousness..

This is why We must surrender Everything, even our Divinity and Identity to finally find Freedom in the 'Nothingness' called 'Pure Awareness'..

Pure Awareness is the Reality of Non-egoic desire and Non-identity,

It is the 'Source' of all Dreams of Creation and Consists of the Energy of Consciousness which is bound together by the Energy called Love...

namaste, thomas

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