
The map, Home...

Souls from most of the countries of earth visit this room..

" Many are called, but few are chosen "..

You are here because, you are ready to be here..

You have reached the level of Consciousness that has the ability to see Itself..

You have traveled through many bodies including the Consciousness within plant, mineral, and animal before You chose the vehicle of human..

Consciousness creates all of the illusions of materiality..

You are Consciousness..

You have traveled within many dreams of experience and are ready to return Home..

This is why you seek the experience of Love..

Love is Home..

The map has always been within you..

Knowledge of the map has finally become realized within your Awareness..

All of the Mystics of the past have already informed you of this map but you just made them into gods..

Because, egoic consciousness makes you believe that you are separate from these Mystics and separate from Love..

I have said enough for now,

contemplation is now ready for entry...

namaste, thomas

1 comment:

Katie Darling said...

Why am I here?

Well, how incredible to find a blog/website that spans Mooji, Joel, Herb Fitch and more. I'm in the same journey, with all of these same teachers, and yes, it's been a long journey from a rock to a human rock to a human human to a graduating human… ;-)

Currently listening to Bill Skiles' extraordinary audios, of which there are 1200 (between his and Herb's) on One talk by Bill that you might feature is called Be Ye Transitioned. It might be all a person needs to walk through the door.