
Let us examine, ' thanking the darkness'...

The darkness is the selfishness of egoic consciousness and is also known as the duality of consciousness called Lucifer..

Lucifer was the brightest of Light..

But, envy called him into the occupation of deceit and lies..

Remember, God is the energy and knowledge of Truth..

Duality of Truth and Untruth is the Dream that We have chosen..

To know Truth, You must first know untruth..

The angel of deceit has the job of showing you the mirror of yourself..

Are you Love or selfishness?..

This is the Drama that You have chosen to experience..

In this world, there are many religions that are supposed to tell you the Truth..

But, you have found them to be infiltrated by the Luciferian worshipers..

Many of you are not yet aware of this knowledge and are still asleep..

There are constant wars that are created as a sacrifice to the false god of ego..

Lucifer demands servitude to attain wealth, power, and fame..

Look at those that achieve these goals and begin to think of their master..

Beware, the secret societies that demand the control of your mind and soul..

This is enough knowledge for now..

Contemplate what has been writen...

namaste, thomas

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