
What is consciousness ?...

What is it that perceives this thought? What is it that perceives this feeling? What is it that speaks right now?
Can you notice that consciousness is required to perceive the thought, to perceive the feeling?

Something perceives the thought you just shared with me. What is it that is conscious of the thought that says: 'I don't know what consciousness is.'?
Without awareness of the experience, what is experience?
Without consciousness, what would any question, any thought, any perception, any feeling be?

We don't know a thought, we only know our knowing of the thought. We only know our knowing. The knowing knows the knowing. It knows itself. You perceive yourself. Consciousness consciousnesses itself.

Whatever it is that perceives the thought, that perceives the sensation is the substance-less substance that appears as all sensations, perceptions, thoughts... that is what we refer to as consciousness.

Only consciousness can be conscious that it is conscious since only consciousness is conscious. When you realize that you are conscious, it is you as consciousness that is conscious that you are consciousness. Do you see what I mean?

What is observed is not conscious on its own. The separate self that you perceive, the body mind that you perceive is not conscious on its own. It is consciousness that is conscious and it manifests as the world, body and mind, out of its freedom and love.

It is consciousness that gives the impression of life. Do you know the image of God blowing life into mankind? In this image, God is consciousness and mankind is the world, body and mind. God creates the world, body and mind out of herself.

Life is consciousness. Everything is consciousness. Do not limit your experience to a mind conversation.

Notice the knowingness of the mind, the knowingness of the world and body. You are this knowingness.

Non-dual knowingness..

Magdi Em Be

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