
Pistos Sophia...

I posted about the Gnostic Enlightenment because it is the Enlightenment that I experienced..

Once, the egoic consciousness was surrendered to the Universe,

and the pain and fear of death was experienced,

Reality was entered..

You advanced Mystics will know of what I am speaking..

The Nothingness of darkness was entered and was immediately transformed into the Light of God.

This has been my experience and obviously the experience of many other mystics..

At this point, the dream has been forgotten and the mystery of Now is Reality..

Your life within this world was just a dream and the characters, actors, and souls of even the beloved has been left behind..

You that are still attached to the souls and physical bodies of those that you love will find this to be hard to believe..

But, it is True..

It was all a dream..

And now where are You?..

A step further calls You but will you proceed while You feel the eternity of Love?..

Ask the Father within this Light for answers..

But, when I asked if this was the final Reality, For the first time, He would not answer..

After returning to this dimension I found that Pure Awareness Awaits the Inquirer..

The Inquirer has lost all Personality even the Personality of Father God..

Only the Energy of Love, Exists..

All else are illusions and dreams...

namaste, thomas

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